Tuesday trivia at Ferraro’s with Kevin Cerrito

I’ve been meaning to check out Tuesday trivia night at Ferraro’s Pizzeria and Pub since the day it started. However, various obstacles – severe storms, BBQ Fest – kept getting in the way. This week, I got a chance to check it out.

Trivia is hosted by Kevin Cerrito. There are 50 questions: Five rounds of ten questions each. The questions are asked fairly rapid-fire – maybe a minute apart – and once all questions in a round are asked, teams get a few minutes to gather up their answers, ask for questions to be repeated, and get their answer sheets in.

Kevin Cerrito

There’s a prize of pitcher of PBR for the team with the best name. Our team member who specializes in creative names was not available, so we went with my suggestion, “Phone Sex for the Hearing Impaired.” Every team votes for best team name after the second round, and you can’t vote for yourself. Winning name was “Hasta La Vista, Illegitimate Baby.” Obviously it helps to keep up with current events when dreaming up team names.

The setup at Ferraro’s makes for a different team vibe than the Saucer where we used to play. At the Saucer, we’d congregate around the rail or the bar and team members would move around and talk to each other. At Ferraro’s, there are booths. They are large booths that can seat 6, but it’s a snug fit if you do 3 to a side. You better like your teammates because you’ll be getting real cozy with them if you have a full booth. It wasn’t a problem last night, but I can see that being an issue in future weeks for our team in particular, given some of the people who often show up.

Ten of us showed up, and the limit per team is 8, so we split into two teams. I was very happy to end up with Darrin on my team, since he was one of the stars of our team at the Saucer. However, the questions turned out to be more pop-culture oriented than Saucer trivia. There was a “name that tune” round and a round about Schwarzenegger movies, both of which my contributions were practically nil. Our two team members who said “by the way, I suck at trivia” prior to start time ended up contributing as much or more than Darrin or me.

I went with the pitcher of PBR to drink. PBR sells for $7.50 a pitcher or $2 a pint at Ferraro’s. Why have I not been hanging out there more often?

Last night was my first time to try the pizza, and it was absolutely delicious. I got the pepperoni and sausage 8″ bar pie and loved it. That sure is a world of difference (and I mean better than) Pizza Hut’s personal pan pizzas. My teammate sitting on my side of the booth ordered a pepperoni and pineapple pizza, and I made a mental note that I will not be sharing a pizza with her in the future. Pineapple as a topping is something I’ve never been down with. My teammate redeemed herself a few minutes later when she said she likes to sing, but doesn’t go to karaoke nights. Praise the Lord, someone with common sense!

My pizza
My teammate's pizza

For those who smoke, there was ample time between rounds to go out on the patio. Ferraro’s is 18+ so kids can come play trivia too.

Overall, just a real good vibe. I plan a return to Ferraro’s trivia night soon.