Sat update: Columbus’ ships, CY beerfest, Ghost River beer

Replicas of Columbus’ ships the Nina and the Pinta are docked at the riverboat harbor for the next week. These are the most authentic replicas ever made and they’re open for public tours. Read more about the ships here.

The Flyer’s Memphis Beer Beat blog has an interview with Andy Ashby, one of the organizers of the Cooper-Young Regional Beerfest that happens today. Read it here. This is part 1 of a 2-part interview. I’ll say it one more time: If you go to only one Memphis beer festival a year, make it this one. This is the only festival to which I take a notepad because there’s so much to learn about beer.

Speaking of Andy, he has a new So you’re going to the beer festival? blog post up. There are still a few tickets available, but my advice is, you better get there right at 1 if you plan to get one.

Ghost River brewery is now selling their Golden Ale in bottles. Currently it’s only on sale at the brewery’s dock at Main and Crump.

Exciting morning around here. Laundry, upgrading my MacBook to Parallels Desktop 7. I’m going to head to the Saucer in a little while to pre-game for CY Beerfest. If anyone wants to split a cab down there, meet me at the Saucer around 12:30.