Fri update: Tiger jersey retirement, civil rights cemetery tour, Downtown event space guide, Sirius/XM hires Chris Vernon, duck fried rice returns to SOB, Kim Jong-un looking at things, advantages of being sleepy and drunk

Lots of random stuff to talk about today. Let’s get started…

Frank Murtaugh of the Memphis Flyer thinks it’s a shame that no Memphis Tigers from the 2005-09 era, including the 2007-08 team that went to the national title game, have had their jerseys retired. His pick as the best representative of that era? Number 5, Antonio Anderson. Can’t disagree. Anderson was the glue of that team. Forgive the pro wrestling reference, but Antonio Anderson was to the 2005-09 Tigers what Arn Anderson was to the Four Horsemen.

Elmwood Cemetery has announced a 90-minute walking civil rights tour for Saturday, February 25. You’ll visit the graves of Marvin Ratner, Benjamin Hooks, Odell Horton, Ernest Withers, and Vasco Smith and learn about their contributions to civil rights. $15, starts at 10:30 AM. It’s an all-walking, outdoor tour, so dress appropriately.

Want to throw a party or event Downtown, but don’t know where to have it? The DMC has a Downtown event space guide. This is one I’m going to bookmark – I get “where should I have my party/corporate meeting/event?” emails all the time.

Congrats to Verno and Roser of the Chris Vernon Show. They’ve been hired by Sirius/XM Radio to produce up to four hours of weekend content. They will still do their weekday show on Yahoo! Sports 730.

South of Beale has posted their new menu. Duck fried rice has returned.

Funny blog I saw on Twitter today: North Korean leader Kim Jong-un Looking at Things

Lifehacker linked to this article today: Why Being Sleepy and Drunk are Great for Creativity. See? There are reasons I do the things I do.

All right, heading out for beer. Probably Saucer first (Spiros is in town!), then Blind Bear.