Sunday update: Winter weather, Jerry Lawler Show is back, Iron Sheik/Twitter

It appears we have the potential for a winter weather event Monday afternoon – one we’ll have to drive home in, which is no fun. To have weather events explained to you in layman’s terms, there’s no better place than the blog. This is one to keep an eye on. Monday afternoon rush hour could be a major headache. Tim Van Horn of Channel 5 has a good point – if you haven’t done your Valentine’s Day shopping, do it today, rather than putting it off until tomorrow and having to deal with the weather.

The Jerry Lawler Show returns to the air after a 19-year absence. Unfortunately I didn’t get the word out in time for you to catch its debut – it will be on Fox 13 every Sunday morning at 6 AM. Set your DVRs for next week. Lawler had his own news and interview show about sports and wrestling from the 1980s to 1993. When he signed his WWF contract, he was forced to shut the show down, because its 11 AM Sunday time conflicted with WWF programming on the USA network. The 6 AM time shouldn’t conflict with anything the wrestling federation – now the WWE – has on the air. Good to have the King back. Here’s an interview he did with MemphiSport Live yesterday about the new show.

By the way, if you’re a pro wrestling fan and you’re not following the legend, former WWF champion the Iron Sheik on Twitter (@the_ironsheik), you are missing out. Sheik gives his opinions on other professional wrestlers, especially those from his era. This was one recent tweet:

“hulk hogan and ultimate warrior each deserve gold medal in the piece of shit olympics”

And a classic from several months ago:

“one time the andre the giant shit his pants on bus. he make entire bus smell like egg.”

Sheikie baby also discusses what he’s been up to, with “smoking the green medicine” being a popular activity lately. He solicits opinions from his followers, asking if various celebrities are “the real or the gay.” Sheik, who is from Iran, also discusses female celebrities he thinks are hot, and speculates whether he’d have sex with them “old country way or new country way.” A well-rounded Twitterer, Sheik even discusses politics. In a recent tweet he said that “the mitt romney have the grasshopper dick like the virgil.” Free entertainment just doesn’t get much better than this.

Yesterday I did something I almost never do – I drove the car on a weekend. I had to get gangster attire for Tuesday’s gangster and flapper party at the Blind Bear. I bought a gangster-style jacket at Party City, and let me tell you, if I’d taken that piece of junk out of the bag and examined it before I took it home, I never would have bought it. Cheap, flimsy nylon/rayon material. It’ll have to do for Tuesday, though. Jamie really wants the people who play poker before the party (special 7 PM start time, party at 9) to be dressed as gangsters and flappers. Not interested in getting out in the snow Monday to try and find a better jacket. Once Tuesday is over I’ll order a better one, because there will be more gangster/flapper parties to come.

After that it was time for day drinking. The running order was Bardog, Saucer, Johnny G’s Creole Kitchen for dinner, Saucer, Goose, and back to Saucer. Got to sit in on another BBQ team board meeting. I still can’t share specifics, but there are big improvements over the old team in the way money is handled, and in being more selective about membership. Very excited about this year. I’ve been made an admin on the team website, and am going to try to come up with some content in the near future.

While at Bardog, I was watching basketball and a Dodge Ram commercial came on. I wonder if there are people out there who think the truck is named after computer memory rather than a horned sheep.

All right… got about 40 minutes until the Majestic opens for brunch. Going to spend the time going through old BBQ Fest pics and seeing which ones we can use on the new site. Saucer, Blind Bear on my agenda for later today.