First of all, a shout-out to my friend Shannon Parker who was a victim of a hit-and-run in Cooper-Young recently. She pushed a friend out of the way then was run over by a speeding SUV after leaving Celtic. She’s in the ICU as of the time I type this and will be in a wheelchair for at least three months. I know she’s a fan of this blog, and I am a fan of her too. Get well soon.
If you believe in saving the Chisca Hotel, go here and sign the petition. I’ve said plenty about the importance of this movement already. Just scroll down to past posts if you’re unfamiliar.
Kerry has a good post on beeTemps, a new home decor and gift shop that has popped up in South Main. But it has literally “popped up” – it will only be there for a few more weeks, so if you want anything they have, go now.
There will be a Beale Street funeral procession for Donald “Duck” Dunn tomorrow (meaning Wednesday. It’s late Tuesday as I type this). He was the bass player for Booker T & the MGs. Details here.
Spinal Tap plays the Orpheum Friday night as part of their summer movie series. Doors at 6, air guitar concert/competition at 6:30, movie at 7:15. A special drink called “amp up to 11” will be served.
Home from a disaster of a poker night at Blind Bear. We ended up nine-handed at our table (one of three) and I couldn’t catch cards to save my life. Best I got was two hands I’d have played strongly at a shorter table but had to fold against eight opponents. In the end, I went all-in with a speculative hand trying to triple or quadruple up if I got lucky. Wasn’t lucky.
Ideally the evening would have wrapped up with a poker win and a tube top on my bedroom floor, but Blind Bear veggies are not a bad way to finish the night. Off to bed.