Last night I took a walk down the Main Street Mall, and was quite pleased to see people installing the railing for Aldo’s Pizza Pies patio. More patios on Main Street = a Very Good Thing, not only for the people who will be dining there, but for the street and Downtown as a whole. Patio dining increases the perception that Main Street is walkable and safe. I can’t wait for the day when patio dining on Main stretches all the way from Peabody Place to Adams.
Hmmm… I wonder what time Aldo’s will open on Sundays? That could have very interesting implications for Sunday Fun Day. If I don’t like the Fire Sale at the Saucer, I could walk down to Aldo’s, pop open a PBR, have a slice, and see a couple of my favorite ex-Saucer girls. This is the most excited I’ve been about a new place opening since Blind Bear opened last December.
Also while walking down Main Street, I saw a (possibly homeless) guy on the other side of the street, saying, “Hey buddy, how you doing today, what’s been going on, good to see you.” He didn’t seem to be talking to anyone in particular, and I wondered if maybe he had one of those Bluetooth headsets on and I just couldn’t see it. Then I realized he was talking to A SQUIRREL. No kidding, he was carrying on a conversation with that squirrel, although the conversation seemed to be quite one-sided. We have some weird people Downtown.
Last night the band in Handy Park on Beale honored the memory of America’s first female astronaut by singing, “All you wanna do is ride around, Sally. Ride, Sally Ride.” I thought that was a nice touch.
There will be a food truck rodeo in Court Square this Friday, July 27. Good news for those who work Downtown who want something new and different for lunch!
On Saturday the Flying Saucer held its drawing in the Pints for Prostates raffle. Customers at the 14 Flying Saucers could enter the raffle by buying a Belgian beer in a special glass on Wednesday nights. They could also purchase raffle tickets in the amount of 1 for $10, 3 for $25, or 7 for $50. All proceeds went to Pints for Prostates, a nonprofit that raises awareness of men’s health issues. The holder of the winning raffle ticket would receive a week-long beer trip for two to Belgium, with stops in 3 cities and plenty of brewery tours, a $6500 value.
…And the winner selected from all 14 Saucers was a Memphian. Not just any Memphian, either; a Memphian who has 18 plates on the wall, meaning he’s been through the Ring of Honor (drank 200 different beers) 18 times. Memphis’ own Gary Smith is going to Belgium. He leads the Downtown Saucer in number of plates, and I cannot think of a more deserving person to win. Congratulations Gary, and I hope you have a great time overseas.
You have five days left to vote in the Memphis Flyer’s Best of Memphis poll. Vote here.
If you like Max’s Sports Bar and are a fan of Michele, you’re going to be seeing a lot of her. Last night was her first of either 12 or 16 days straight (I’ve heard conflicting reports on this), covering while Max and Cayley are out of town. Don’t forget that Max’s has a full bar now. They’ve really been working the happy hour specials lately.
Tuesday night stuff going on: Pint night at Bardog, 7-3; trivia with Kevin Cerrito at Ferraro’s, 8:00, trivia at Flying Saucer, 7:30 and 10:00; poker at Blind Bear, 8:00; $5 spaghetti and meatball dinner at Green Beetle, 4 to close.