Tue update: More patio dining, food truck rodeo, Memphian wins Belgium trip, BOM voting, a Michele marathon at Max’s, Tuesday night stuff to do and more

Last night I took a walk down the Main Street Mall, and was quite pleased to see people installing the railing for Aldo’s Pizza Pies patio. More patios on Main Street = a Very Good Thing, not only for the people who will be dining there, but for the street and Downtown as a whole. Patio dining increases the perception that Main Street is walkable and safe. I can’t wait for the day when patio dining on Main stretches all the way from Peabody Place to Adams.

Hmmm… I wonder what time Aldo’s will open on Sundays? That could have very interesting implications for Sunday Fun Day. If I don’t like the Fire Sale at the Saucer, I could walk down to Aldo’s, pop open a PBR, have a slice, and see a couple of my favorite ex-Saucer girls. This is the most excited I’ve been about a new place opening since Blind Bear opened last December.

Also while walking down Main Street, I saw a (possibly homeless) guy on the other side of the street, saying, “Hey buddy, how you doing today, what’s been going on, good to see you.” He didn’t seem to be talking to anyone in particular, and I wondered if maybe he had one of those Bluetooth headsets on and I just couldn’t see it. Then I realized he was talking to A SQUIRREL. No kidding, he was carrying on a conversation with that squirrel, although the conversation seemed to be quite one-sided. We have some weird people Downtown.

Last night the band in Handy Park on Beale honored the memory of America’s first female astronaut by singing, “All you wanna do is ride around, Sally. Ride, Sally Ride.” I thought that was a nice touch.

There will be a food truck rodeo in Court Square this Friday, July 27. Good news for those who work Downtown who want something new and different for lunch!

On Saturday the Flying Saucer held its drawing in the Pints for Prostates raffle. Customers at the 14 Flying Saucers could enter the raffle by buying a Belgian beer in a special glass on Wednesday nights. They could also purchase raffle tickets in the amount of 1 for $10, 3 for $25, or 7 for $50. All proceeds went to Pints for Prostates, a nonprofit that raises awareness of men’s health issues. The holder of the winning raffle ticket would receive a week-long beer trip for two to Belgium, with stops in 3 cities and plenty of brewery tours, a $6500 value.

…And the winner selected from all 14 Saucers was a Memphian. Not just any Memphian, either; a Memphian who has 18 plates on the wall, meaning he’s been through the Ring of Honor (drank 200 different beers) 18 times. Memphis’ own Gary Smith is going to Belgium. He leads the Downtown Saucer in number of plates, and I cannot think of a more deserving person to win. Congratulations Gary, and I hope you have a great time overseas.

You have five days left to vote in the Memphis Flyer’s Best of Memphis poll. Vote here.

If you like Max’s Sports Bar and are a fan of Michele, you’re going to be seeing a lot of her. Last night was her first of either 12 or 16 days straight (I’ve heard conflicting reports on this), covering while Max and Cayley are out of town. Don’t forget that Max’s has a full bar now. They’ve really been working the happy hour specials lately.

Tuesday night stuff going on: Pint night at Bardog, 7-3; trivia with Kevin Cerrito at Ferraro’s, 8:00, trivia at Flying Saucer, 7:30 and 10:00; poker at Blind Bear, 8:00; $5 spaghetti and meatball dinner at Green Beetle, 4 to close.

Mon update: Mississippi River, Penn State, Paul Cannell @ Brass Door, job openings, Miss Polly’s

If you’re Downtown after work and are looking for something to do, I have a suggestion: Go look at the Mississippi River. It’s at one of its lowest levels ever, 55 feet lower than in May 2011 when it flooded Tom Lee Park and Riverside Drive and forced BBQ Fest to move. Three more feet and the river will hit an all-time record low. Shout-out to my buddy Duck Finkley who works on a boat on the river. I hope the low water isn’t making it hard for him to do his job. Check Joe Spake’s blog for a contrast between May ’11 and July ’12.

The NCAA cracked down on Penn State’s football program this morning and delivered some severe penalties. Here are three articles that will give you an idea what happened:

I’ve seen several videos of Jerry Sandusky being walked from the courthouse to a vehicle outside. Has anyone else observed his facial expression and body language and come to the conclusion that he doesn’t understand that he’s done anything wrong? I get the feeling he believes he had a “special” relationship with those children that the rest of the world can’t understand, and that he’s being persecuted for it. He probably fully believes the case will be overturned on appeal.

Soccer fans, you may want to put an upcoming Brass Door event on your calendar. Former Memphis Rogues and Newcastle United star Paul Cannell will make an appearance at the Downtown Irish pub Saturday, July 28 at 6 PM, to sign copies of his new book.

The Peabody has lots of jobs open. Click here to view them. You’ll have to scroll a little, because Little Rock and Orlando jobs are mixed in too. Cooks, servers and server assistants, rooms controllers, banquet personnel, stewards, security, valet parkers, athletic club attendants, bartenders, all kinds of jobs.

One other job listing I saw on Twitter: Overton Park is looking for a Communications Coordinator. Not a Downtown job but it would be a very fulfilling and rewarding position.

Looking for a place to grab a late-night snack or breakfast now that Cockadoos is closed? Miss Polly’s Soul City Cafe’s kitchen stays open all night on Friday and Saturday. The cafe is on Beale Street, next to Club 152.

Plans for tonight are to drink my 28th, 29th, and 30th beers for my 7th plate at the Flying Saucer. It’s Pint Nite all day and night and nearly all drafts on the wall are $3. Undecided on whether I’ll play the 7:30 or 10:00 poker game next door at the Silly Goose.

Sun update: Super WHY Live @ Orpheum, SOB brunch, burger fest categories, Redbirds, things happening today

One of the managers of the Silly Goose recently described the place as “an adult version of Chuck E. Cheese, with Fireball instead of Skee-ball.” If that’s the case, Kelly (pictured on the right) should spend more time at the Goose. Kelly loves to hang out at Chuck E. Cheese.

Okay. Whatever your plans are today, cancel them. The event of the year – perhaps even the decade – takes place this afternoon in Downtown Memphis. I am so fortunate to have read the weekly newsletter downtownmemphis.com sends out, because I almost missed this. Today at 3:30 at the Orpheum is “Super WHY Live.” Here’s the description: “Super Why, Alpha Pig, Wonder Red, Princess Presto and their puppy pal Woofster each take children on larger-than-life, imagination-stimulating adventures.”

WOW. I mean, just, wow. Memphis may not have a MLB or NFL team, but we’ve got this. Tickets are $29.50 and $39.50, but why would you not pay $39.50 for a better view of Woofster?

South of Beale has released their new weekend brunch menu. You can view it on SOB’s website. That blackened salmon omelet sounds interesting. So does the SOB Burger. I’ve never heard of a burger topped with salami before. One cool thing about SOB’s menu is that they mark which items are gluten free, making it easy for those on a diet to know what they can order.

SOB also adopts an “organization of the month.” On receipts, below the tip line is a line where you can write in a donation for the month’s organization. This month it’s the Humane Society of Memphis & Shelby County.

The Best Memphis Burger Fest has listed its categories in which burger cooks can compete: Best Burger, Best Veggie Burger, Best Anything But Burger, and Best Extreme Burger. Anyone can enter, whether you’re a guy with a grill or a full-service restaurant. However, space is filling up, so if you’re thinking about entering, do it soon. Festival will be in Minglewood Hall’s parking lot on September 30.

The Redbirds play Oklahoma City again tonight at 6:05. If you’re bringing kids, get there early – the first 2000 kids get replica Redbirds jerseys. After the game, kids can run the bases.

In other stuff going on today, local favorites Pam & Terry play Spindini’s patio from 5 to 8. Bleu has a “Sax on Sundays” jazz series from 6 to 10. There’s a jazz jam with U of M students at Earnestine & Hazel’s, 8 to 11. Memphis Soul Revue plays Huey’s tonight, 8:30.

If you’re in the mood to brunch it up today, in addition to the aforementioned South of Beale brunch, I recommend Rizzo’s Diner (opens 10 AM), Majestic Grille (opens 11 AM), Bardog (opens noon), and Blind Bear (opens 3 PM). The Flying Saucer and Silly Goose both have build-your-own Bloody Mary bars. Both open at noon.

It’s a beautiful Sunday in Downtown Memphis. Time to get out and enjoy!

Big Brother fans – tune into AM 560 at 11:30 today – Sid Vicious on show to discuss son Frank

If you’re a fan of the TV show Big Brother, tune in to MemphiSport Live on AM 560 this morning. Show starts at 11. At 11:30, Sid Vicious (also known as Sid Justice and Sycho Sid) will be on to further discuss what’s happening with his son Frank on the show. From what Sid told us last week, Frank is a tremendously smart guy, and obviously in good physical shape since he’s been training with his dad his entire life. For that reason, Sid suspects Frank may be one of the first to be eliminated, because he’s too much of a threat to the others in the house. Sid will discuss Frank’s progress on this week’s show.

If you don’t live in Memphis, you can use TuneIn Radio to listen.

Sat update: Shop local at City Market, Aldo’s Pizza Pies, restaurant rumor, superheroes and fireworks @ Redbirds tonight, and more

This morning, I walked out of my front door, on my way to get a Mountain Dew as I do every morning. I thought to myself, I have two options:

1) Walgreens, 1/4 block away, a chain. They close at 8 on the weekdays, even though there’s obviously demand for them to stay open later, both among locals and tourists in nearby hotels.

2) City Market, 1 3/4 blocks away. Locally owned by super nice people. Open until 10:30 weekdays and 11:30 weekends, and if Downtown is busy sometimes they stay open past their posted closing time.

I went to City Market, and am going to start doing so every day (except maybe when it’s raining or I’m in a huge hurry). Makes sense to spend my dollars with people who are part of the Downtown community. And yeah, it’s just a Mountain Dew that costs not even $2, but it’s really more than that. They have so many cool international snacks and prepared dinners that I often make impulse purchases while there. Over time it adds up.

By the way, if you’re a beer lover, when I was at City Market I saw six-packs of Magic Hat, Blackstone, and Shock Top beers that I have not seen elsewhere Downtown. Love those 18-packs of PBR too. :)

Speaking of shopping locally, I find it amusing that the person who had the nerve to “yawn” at my Foursquare checkin at Max’s Sports Bar checks in at Big League Grill in Southaven on almost a weekly basis. I guess some people would rather hang out in ‘burbia all the time than support good neighborhood businesses.

The other day I saw two huge 65 inch TVs in cases inside Aldo’s Pizza Pies. I assumed they were going up behind the bar, but I was wrong. They’re now up near the front door, displaying the menu. I didn’t get pics but if you walk by, be sure to look inside and see what Aldo’s will be selling. Aldo’s is on the Main Street Mall, in the ground floor of Barboro Flats just north of Gayoso. Latest word is that July 26 is the opening date. Displaying the menu on screens is a really smart idea. That will allow Aldo to change the menu as he pleases without incurring expensive printing costs.

I’ve been sent information on a possible restaurant that may fill the empty space in the Lincoln-American Tower on Court Square. I want to follow up and learn more info before I mention the name, but 1) It’s quite popular; 2) It’s not currently in what’s considered Downtown, but it’s close enough that I could ride my bike there; and 3) It very much needs a larger location. Years ago, I used to eat in the Yellow Rose Cafe in the Lincoln-American, so I’m sure when the new restaurant opens I’ll get that “seems like I’ve been here before” feeling.

If you have kids, tonight would be a good night to take them to see the Redbirds. Kids will be able to mingle with their favorite superhero and comic characters during the game, and after it’s over there will be fireworks. Opponent is once again Oklahoma City and game time is 6:05. If you get down here early, why not take the kids to Kooky Canuck for one of their gigantimous ice cream sundaes or a skillet cookie a la mode? If you get down here way early, the Belz Museum of Asian and Judaic Art is showing Mulan at 12:15 and 2:45 PM.

Last night I knocked out two tasty beers toward my 7th plate at the Flying Saucer: Abita Andygator (8.5%) and Victory Golden Monkey (9.4%). Not surprisingly, my memory of the rest of the evening is rather blurry. You know what I haven’t had there in a while? A Moscow Mule, the drink made with vodka, lime, and ginger beer in a copper mug. They still have the mugs, so they’re still serving them. Maybe I’ll have one this weekend.

Funny quote I saw on Twitter this week: “You don’t suffer from a personality disorder. Everyone else suffers from your personality disorder.” Heh. That brings a few people to mind.

That’ll do it for now. Time to play Zynga Poker on the iPad and wait for Bardog to open at noon.

Fri update: The Princess Bride, Throwback Night @ Redbirds, Farmers Market, excessive heat, Saucer cleans its dominoes, DJ Cody rocks the rooftop, how to save on gift cards, illegal dumping may be monitored soon

Tonight’s Summer Classic Movie Series movie at The Orpheum is The Princess Bride (1987). You can find a description of the movie here. If you wear a pirate or princess costume, you get $2 off admission. (If I am ever appointed president of The Orpheum, you’ll be able to get $2 off admission by wearing a tube top.) The movie is rated PG and showtime is 7:15. First 100 to show up get a copy of the Orpheum movie poster for The Princess Bride.

The Redbirds return to town tonight for a game against the Oklahoma City RedHawks at 7:05. It’s Throwback Night, with 50 cent hot dogs, and the first 3000 fans get old-school Memphis Chicks T-shirts. There will also be a block party in the plaza 5-7 with $2 Coors Light. Also, if you show a receipt at the box office for $15 spent at Fred’s Super Dollar, you will get $5 off dugout-level tickets (maximum of 6). The Redbirds are in town through Monday, July 23.

The theme at the Memphis Farmers Market tomorrow is Southern Summer. There will be an activity from 9 to 11 where kids can plant sunflowers in their very own pot, and add decorations. There will also be a tomato tasting contest from 10 to 11 – stop by and sample tomatoes from this year’s vendors and judge whose is tastiest. Free tomato samples? Wonder if the Nuh-Uh Girl will show up. There will be live music and dog adoptions at the Market as well.

There’s an excessive heat warning in effect for today. Heat indices are expected to be between 110 and 113 degrees. The MemphisWeather.net blog has the details.

Bardog Tavern has cold gazpacho soup and duck sliders among their specials today. Nice.

Apparently I’m the only blogger in Memphis who hasn’t mentioned Hog & Hominy yet, so: Hog & Hominy. There you go.

Last night I was drinking beers at the Flying Saucer, and one of the bartenders was cleaning the dominoes above the bar. The Saucer allowed smoking from its opening in 1997 until 2011, and 14 years of smut had gathered on the dominoes. At one point the bartender stopped cleaning to serve some beers. Take a look at the pic below and see if you can tell where she stopped:

I heard that a lot of people who don’t often attend Peabody rooftop parties went last night, because DJ Cody from the Silly Goose was spinning. Hopefully the Peabody will recognize that Cody is a draw and invite him back for a future gig.

Lifehacker has some good advice on how to buy gift cards for less than their face value.

Hidden cameras to catch illegal dumpers may come soon. I know this has been a problem around the Mud Island/Wolf River Harbor area lately.

All right, let’s get this work week over with. I’ll be out tonight. No definite plans, so as usual I’ll start at the Saucer at 6 and figure it out from there.

Thur update 2: Maya Angelou in Memphis, Brass Door on Foursquare, Aldo’s beers, homeless get legal help, Pier to become a parking garage?, and Memphis vs. Ole Miss

Maya Angelou will make an appearance in Downtown Memphis, at the Cannon Center, on Saturday, August 25. Dr. Angelou will appear for the Heartlight 2012 event, a fundraiser for Agape Child & Family Services. Agape is a Christian-based organization which provides children and families with healthy homes in the regional area through community restoration, homeless services, mentoring, foster care, adoption, maternity services and counseling. The organization serves more than 10,000 children a year. Buy tickets to Heartlight 2012 here.

In my lunchtime post I explained how local businesses can now use Foursquare to push “sandwich board”/”chalkboard” style specials, news, and updates to their most loyal customers. Congratulations to The Brass Door, which has already started using this new feature.

Downtown Memphis Flats tweeted a photo of the beer taps at Aldo’s Pizza Pies. Mmmm beer. Looks good! The pizza parlor should be open by the end of the month.

The Flyer has a great article on the legal services offered at Project Homeless Connect last week. Many area homeless had fines and court costs on the books that were 10-15 years old or older. The city was unlikely to ever collect this money, but the outstanding charges served as impediments for these people to get to a better place in life. Kudos to Josh Spickler from the Public Defender’s Office, Judge Karen Massey, and all the volunteers who worked to help these people clear their names in court.

ABC 24 News reports that The Pier may be turned into a parking garage and condos. However, Paul Morris who runs DMC is investigating to make sure the conversion is legal. The former seafood restaurant on Wagner Place is a 100-year-old historic building.

The University of Memphis renews its football series vs. Ole Miss starting in 2014. Ugh. I sure am not happy about douchey Rebel fans crapping up the Saucer and numerous other area bars prior to games at the Liberty Bowl. I guess the SEC West’s perennial basement dwellers will stimulate the local economy when they travel to Memphis though.

Off to a late start tonight because I just got my hair cut at Rachel’s Salon. Now, off to the Saucer for beer!

Thur update: Foursquare updates (must-read if you run a business), Thursday parties, Blues on the Bluff

Today’s post starts off with an important new way for business owners and managers to connect with their most loyal customers. Foursquare, the location-based platform where users “check in” to venues, unlock specials, and compete for “mayorships” of venues, has rolled out a new feature called Local Updates. Businesses can publish updates to Foursquare – things like daily specials, new items in the store, etc. and their most loyal customers will see it. It’s kind of like the chalkboard on the wall or the sandwich board in front of your business, but on a mobile social platform.

How does Foursquare determine who should see your Local Updates? Well, first of all, about a month ago, Foursquare gave people the option to “Like” venues. Anyone who “likes” your venue will get your updates. Also, anyone who checks into your venue frequently will get the updates as well, although users will be given the ability to opt out of a particular venue’s updates.

Local Updates are supposed to be rolled out this week. If you run a restaurant or retail shop, you need to use this. It’s free advertising. If you have not claimed your business on Foursquare, you need to do so, in order to get access to cool features like Local Updates.

It’s Thursday outdoor party night! Here’s a look at what’s going on.

– Seventh Sundown will headline the Peabody rooftop party tonight from 6 to 11 PM. It’s also open casting call for the Memphis Flyer’s Fall Fashion issue, if you’ve ever dreamed of modeling. Be there from 6 to 7 if you want to participate in the casting call. Also, if you’re a fan of DJ Cody who does the weekend parties at the Silly Goose, he’s a guest DJ on the rooftop tonight. $10 cover includes first drink, ladies free before 7.

– Contemporary blues artist Preston Shannon plays the Madison Hotel rooftop tonight. 7-11 PM, $7 to get in, cash bar with sophisticated drinks, small plate menu available.

– Florida Georgia Line plays this week’s Rebel on Beale country concert series. Concert is in Handy Park at Third and Beale, is free to get in, and is an all-ages show.

– Tonight is the Mid-Main Third Thursday Block Party. In the past these block parties have included live music, health demonstrations, sidewalk sales, and specials on the Main Street Mall between Union and Peabody Place.

Blues on the Bluff, a fundraiser for independent, commercial-free radio station WEVL, is this Saturday, July 21. It’s held on the beautiful grounds of the National Ornamental Metal Museum. Lightnin’ Malcolm, Elmo and the Shades, and Junior Mathus will perform. The Central BBQ food truck will be there if you get hungry. More details here.

Good news for your email: One of the world’s largest spam botnets has been knocked offline, for good. So you’ll be seeing fewer opportunities to buy V1@GRA or a R_0_L_3_X watch at a discount price. It’s been said that this will eliminate 18% of the world’s spam.

That’ll do it for now – time to go grab some Chinese food. If more news comes in I’ll do a second post after work.

Wed update: Fashion casting call, Lansky interview, McDonald’s hiring, Chisca Hotel, get well Joe, last chance to win Belgium trip

Every fall, the Memphis Flyer does a local fall fashion issue, and they’re looking for people to model clothes. They’ll have an open casting call tomorrow night at the Peabody rooftop party. Get there early, because the casting call will happen from 6 to 7 PM. More info about the casting call here; note that two of the three women in the title photo are wearing tube top dresses. Tube tops are very fashionable this year!

If you’re an Elvis fan, tune into SiriusXM radio channel 19 this Friday, July 20, at 9 PM. The station will play historic interviews with Bernard Lansky of Lansky Brothers clothing shop in the Peabody Hotel. Mr.Lansky was Elvis’ clothier.

McDonald’s is said to be adding up to 1000 jobs in the Memphis area in the weeks and months to come. Their Memphis careers page shows a lot of positions open, at practically every McDonald’s location in the metro. Positions range from crew to management to maintenance and tech repair.

A City Council committee has approved a $2 million blight remediation allotment for the restoration of the Chisca Hotel. This is only one piece of the funding to restore this historic hotel into apartments and retail, but it’s a very important step. Let’s keep this project moving! #savechisca

Well wishes for Channel 5 anchor Joe Birch, who was injured in a car wreck. He is expected to make a full recovery.

Tonight is your last chance to get a free entry to win a trip to Belgium ($6500 value), including visits to three Belgian cities on a week-long beer tour. All you have to do is buy this week’s featured Belgian beer in a special glass at the Flying Saucer. Glasses go on sale at 7 PM. You can also pay cash for entries into the raffle for the Belgium trip, with all proceeds going to the benefit of Pints for Prostates, an organization that promotes men’s health awareness.

Don’t forget that voting for the Memphis Flyer’s “Best Of” is ongoing. Vote here.

Time to grab a sub and play Zynga Poker on my phone, then back to work. I’ll be out after work. Will kick it off at the Saucer at 6, then decide whether I feel like going to the Brass Door for bingo (7 PM) or the Blind Bear for trivia (8 PM).

Tue update: Cockadoos closed, Third Thursday, Jerry Lee Lewis, Cozy Corner, volunteer to expand your career options, Brass Door Bingo and more

It appears that Cockadoos, the popular breakfast/lunch spot on South Second, has closed. I started seeing rumors on Twitter about noon, and a little after 2 they confirmed through their @cockadoos account that today was their last day. Very sad to see it go. I was a huge fan of their hashbrowns, which I ordered topped with chili, cheese, onions, and jalapenos. I also loved “The Shag,” a peanut butter-and-banana French toast dish which I bet Elvis would have liked a lot. They had one of the few salad bars Downtown, and they opened at midnight Friday and Saturday and stayed open all night, offering a better option than Denny’s for very-late-night dining. I will miss the place for sure.

I’ve been asked what to do if you bought a Cockadoos Groupon but haven’t redeemed it yet. You need to contact Groupon. Their FAQ says, “If anything happens that makes it impossible for you to redeem your Groupon, we’ll make sure you get your money back.” You can contact Groupon through their support page.

This Thursday is the Mid-Main Third Thursday Block Party. Several restaurants and shops on the Main Street Mall from Union to Peabody Place have specials and entertainment. Shelton Clothiers has announced that they will have all their spring and summer merchandise 50-75% off Thursday-Saturday, and they invite everyone by for wine and hors d’oeuvres at the block party. Free food? Wonder if the Nuh-Uh Girl will show up.

“The Killer” is coming back to Beale Street. Jerry Lee Lewis will be honored next month at the Pioneer Awards, to be held at the New Daisy on August 23. More info here.

Cozy Corner is up for an award in Men’s Health magazine’s “The Manliest Restaurants in America in 2012” poll. They’re nominated for Best BBQ Joint. The Memphis Daily news has the details on how you can vote. Cozy Corner is on North Parkway, in a strip mall just east of Danny Thomas, and is famous for its ribs and Cornish game hens.

I saw a great blog post linked on Twitter this morning. If you’re unemployed, under-employed, or fully employed but not happy with your current job, check out this post on five ways volunteering can help your career. The advice given is so spot on. By volunteering, you can meet new people, develop new skills, and demonstrate that you’re a self-starter. I’d be willing to bet that someone who’s unemployed who volunteers 10 hours of their time a week wouldn’t stay unemployed long. Fantastic way to create your own luck.

Kerry from the I Love Memphis Blog made it to Brass Door Bingo on a Wednesday night at the Brass Door recently. I haven’t made it by yet, and learned a few things from her post. Mainly, I learned that it’s true British bingo, with a card much different from the 5-column, 1-to-75 card Americans are familiar with. Sounds like a fun night… one of these Wednesdays I’m going to have to skip my weekly trivia at the Blind Bear and check out bingo.

Last night I went to the Silly Goose to observe the final table in Poker Jon’s poker league. I ended up staying for the 10:00 game, and came in second, earning me a prize of a 1:15 AM bedtime. I made a stupid mistake at the end and went all-in with a hand that’s average at best. Not sure whether I was just tired and wanted to go home, or whether I wanted to show my opponent, who I’ve known to be very aggressive in the past, that I could be aggressive too. Lesson to be learned is that you can do everything well for a long time in no-limit poker games, and then wipe it all out with one dumb move.

Had a haircut appointment after work but it got rescheduled. Guess I’ll go to the Saucer then. Depending on my mood I may or may not play poker at the Blind Bear at 8.