Announcing the newest person to sign on as a celebrity judge for Best Memphis Burger Festival…


Seth has been bugging me on Twitter to come on board as a judge for Best Memphis Burger Festival for about a month now. “Let me think about it,” I kept telling him. Then yesterday, I went to the Saucer for after-work beers. The manager told me that I had two beers that had already been paid for, and said, “hang on, we have something for you.” He brought me a Best Memphis Burger sign, with a note on the back asking me to please consider being a judge.

I thought about it. Burgers? Beer? I mean really, why would I say no to this? I tweeted Seth this morning agreeing to do it. Not sure I’m the most qualified person in the world to judge burgers – I don’t think there are courses on being a burger judge as there are for BBQ – but, why not. I’ll be at the festival at Minglewood Hall on Sunday, September 30. About 20 teams will compete for the title of Best Memphis Burger. There will be a Kookamonga challenge and other fun stuff as well. Hope to see you there.

They’re moving me to a new workspace this afternoon, so I need to cut this post short, grab a quick bite from Wendy’s, and then get packing. If any news comes in I’ll do an after-work post.