I had to abandon my post

Today I got to the Flying Saucer around noon, totally intending to stay there a while to hold the fort for the BBQ team again. It wasn’t very busy, and I started playing with my phone. After about an hour I checked Gmail just for kicks, and saw an email saying that only 4 people had shown up at the park to help build the booth. I actually felt bad for the people in Tom Lee Park. With a 2-story, 25×35 foot structure plus more space for the cookteam, it simply wasn’t going to get done on time  with that few people. So I did the unthinkable, at least for me. I texted one of our team captains and told him I was on the way down.

While there, I snapped a few pics of the booth in its early stages:

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The facade. I’m told that anyone who has been to Stockholm will instantly recognize what this has to do with Memphis in May’s honored country, Sweden.

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The interior of the booth looking in from the entrance. The booth will be divided into a small front room/patio and a larger room which will serve as a place to eat during the day and a dance floor/Blind Bear Speakeasy at night.

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The second floor in an unfinished state. As you can see, even though we didn’t pay for a riverside space, team members will have no trouble viewing the river.

And yes, I did actually do some work. I laid carpet on both floors and then helped hang some silver curtains. I was down there for about three hours.

Big thanks, by the way to BBQ teammates Justin and Roglly. They saw that I had abandoned my post at the Saucer to go help at the park. They were at a Redbirds game, and after the game concluded they stopped by the Saucer to check on things for me. They reported that all was well and that nothing had come up that one of our team members would need to handle.

It’s 6:00 and I’m home to hydrate and to drop off my team packet so I don’t lose it. Then I’m back out to check on the Saucer again, then over to Blind Bear to continue my research on their PBR. One more day when I have the daytime to myself, then Friends & Family Night kicks off at 5:30.