IMPORTANT PBR UPDATE: My source who told me about the PBR at Gus’s went back yesterday and sent me a correction. The 16-ounce PBRs there are $2.00 + tax, not $2.75 as I previously reported. That’s such a good deal that it’s worth going there even if you don’t eat chicken.
Home from work early today. They let us leave after a company picnic at noon. We had two seating options: outside (95F, bugs) or inside (72F, no bugs). In retrospect I’m pretty comfortable with my choice of “inside.”
I have someone looking to rent a condo Downtown, at least 1500 SF and 2BR/2BA, that allows two old small dogs. They’ve been searching but the dogs have been the sticking point. Can anyone help?
Shelton Clothiers is going out of business. They will be closed for Labor Day weekend and then will have a liquidation sale Wednesday-Saturday of next week. Prices will be reduced 30-60%, and even the Pink Pig line, never before marked down, will be 20% off. Read Tom Shelton’s letter to his customers here.
Dishcrawl has announced its next event, and this sounds like a really good one. It will be a soul food crawl, on which participants will board a motor coach and visit some of the best soul food spots in Memphis. The event will be hosted by Ms. Tonya Dyson and will include a performance by her. Sign up for the soul food crawl here.
The Cochon Heritage BBQ event kicks off tonight at Beale Street Landing, 5:55 PM. Five chefs compete, each utilizing one whole heritage-bred pig to create four entrees and two sides. That means there will be 30 dishes to sample. Tickets are $125 general admission, $200 VIP. Ticket information here.
SOCIAL MEDIA ALERT: Look for “Does anyone have a Cochon BBQ ticket they’re not going to use? ” posts from the Nuh-Uh Girl on Facebook and Twitter today.
Tonight is South Main Trolley Night, with many of the area’s shops and galleries open from 6 to 9. There will be artists and vendors along the route including Miss Birdsong’s Sweet Tooth, Bonnie Simmons McAdams, BobX, and Isis Dance Academy. There will also be music by Chelsea Chandler, Rice Drewry, Donna Staub, Nick Black, Steve Reid, and Yancy and Yancy.
Rebel without a Cause starring James Dean plays on the Orpheum’s big screen tonight at 7.
Say Cheese is the theme at the Memphis Farmers Market tomorrow, Front at G.E. Patterson 7 AM-1 PM. Pick up some locally produced cheese from a market vendor, or get cheddar bread, spicy cheese sticks, or cheese crisps. From 10-11 there will be a Book Brigade for kids, with reading aloud about farmers and food. Music by Abbye Pates West, 8-9:30; Pageant, 9:30-11; Screaming Eagles, 11-12:30.
Tickets are now available for Bluff City Oktoberfest’s beer tasting. It will be from 2 to 6 PM Saturday, October 5. Get tickets here.
That’ll do it for now. I have a lot to get done on my afternoon off. Most of what I have to get done involves drinking beer at the Flying Saucer. No better time to start than the present.