Working from home today because the car’s engine cooling fan decided to die sometime while I was on my 11-day vacation. I took the car in, expecting to get it back by lunchtime and drive in. Instead I got “we ordered the wrong cooling fan” and “by the way, the right cooling fan that you need is more expensive.” Great.
Replicas of Christopher Columbus’ ships The Niña and The Pinta will be parked at Beale Street Landing from September 26 to October 5 and will be open for the public to tour. The ships are floating museums that re-create the world of Columbus’ first voyage to America in 1492.
Andrew Lloyd Weber’s Phantom of the Opera returns to the Orpheum today. The Broadway musical will run through October 5.
South Main Trolley Night is this Friday, with shopping, art, and live entertainment, in the South Main District from 6 to 9 PM. This month you can be among the first to see the Soith Main Mosaic ArtWalk. There will be live entertainment by Rice Drewry & 3 Degrees, The Po Boys, Eric Crays, Evan Farris, Michael Joyner, Steve Reid, Shelly Brown, Savannah Long, and Tim Plunk & Chris Johnson. There will be on-the-spot portraits by Alex Harrison, and hand-bound journals by Renee Hodges.
Diamond Dave, who runs British Bingo at Brass Door and Bardog, just texted me that there will be more British bingo tonight at Aldo’s Pizza Pies.
Friday is Tamp & Tap’s local Kill the Keg Party with beer from local breweries Wiseacre and Ghost River. $2.50 pints from 4 until the kegs run out.
Budweiser of Memphis and Yuengling will be at Downtown Local tonight at 6:30 providing free samples.
Plans for this evening: A walk to go get my car (at least I couldn’t ask for a better day for a walk) then over to Jessica’s bar at Silly Goose as normal. Since I’m Downtown, it’s time to go grab some chili from Court House Deli, then back to work.