Second Wednesday update: Trolleys not operational anytime soon, and more news

Bad news: MATA’s president says the trolleys will not be operational anytime soon and that they are going to have to start from scratch with the trolley system. They desperately tried to get it operational for Memphis in May but couldn’t.

The Tigers play Temple in the AAC quarterfinal at 1 Friday. Here are game notes.

The excellent High Ground News released a new email issue, with a feature article about innovative organizations in the Mid-South that promote volunteering. From time to time I have people ask me how to get hooked up with volunteering gigs here in town. These are the organizations you want to talk to.

High Ground also has a small gallery of cupcakes and other goodies sold by that new vegan cupcake shop in Crosstown. Probably not something I would ever go to – especially since it would involve driving when I don’t have to – but I know I have readers who might be interested.

You can now play Cards Against Humanity, the card game for horrible people, online for free. It’s browser-based, not an app, so no additional software installation is required.

On my way to the Silly Goose for a PBR. May play poker at Bardog tonight.