Looking in my spam folder this morning, I have to laugh. Subject: “Let’s get busty Celestyna Q. closer to Paul Ryburn and break the ice of love.” Interpretation: “Let’s get spammy hackers closer to Paul Ryburn’s sensitive bank account information.” I mean, are there really people stupid enough to fall for this kind of thing? I guess so because they keep sending it.
From WREG: Rowdy drivers block off busy street in Downtown Memphis. I had this happen to me one time, before I lived Downtown, in 2001. I was driving home from Raiford’s and due to street closures (I think it was during Memphis in May) I got re-routed onto Linden, between Third and Second. It took 35 minutes to get one block, and I was scared to death. Where were the police, I wondered.
Also from WREG: B.B. King’s daughters claim their father was poisoned. I just spent a few minutes scrolling through Twitter looking at the ceremony honoring his life. Looks like it was a beautiful event.
This was all over Facebook yesterday but in case you missed it: Make Lego gummy pieces. We need these in the Moody Ques booth next year.
Photo from last night:
I really need to get up to the rooftop more and get more of these gorgeous sunsets. It was a goodbye party and I had a great time hanging out with my Number 10 Main family. It made me realize all the different families I have Downtown. There’s also my Moody Ques family… and I consider myself part of the Squeal Street family even though I am on a different team… and then there are my families at the various bars where I hang out. Grateful for all of them. They keep me sane… well, at least to some extent.
I’ll be out at the usual places after work. Time to run a few errands then back at it…