Downtown is going to the dogs + more news

This weekend is truly going to the dogs with a couple of Downtown events. Tomorrow from 6-11 PM, Streetdog Foundation’s third annual Howl at the Moon happens at The Warehouse, the green building at the northeast corner of Front and G.E. Patterson. It will be emceed by Kristin Tallent, with music by Alessandra Danielle, Bending Time, Southern Edition, Shufflegrit, South Side Supper Club, and DJ Tree. Food, beverages, live and silent auctions, with 100% of funds going to the dogs. Tickets in advance here or $50 at the door, and there’s a Paw Pass if you want the party without the alcohol.

Sunday from 12 to 4 the Harbor Town Dog Show happens at Nursery Park on Mud Island. Well-behaved dogs are invited to enter for $35. Prizes will be awarded for Most Original Costume, Terrific Pet Trick, Most Glamorous, Best Tail Wagging, Best Rescue, Best Float & Best in Show. Live and silent auction, vendors, games, food. You can go here to pay to enter dogs or buy VIP tickets.

A week from tomorrow, Saturday, November 14, the 4th annual Jon Paulin Memorial Chili Cook-Off will take place from 11 AM to 3 PM at Tiger Lane. Come eat, or come compete! I have not been to this but I have heard it it is a lot of fun. $10 admission, $5 with student ID. Food trucks by Local, Say Cheese, and Chick-fil-a. Cornhole, raffle prizes.

There’s a Nuvo Dance Convention at the Cook Convention Center today through Sunday.

Congratulations to local BBQ team Team Canada on their 4th place showing yesterday on the first day of the World Food Championships. It was a big day for another reason as well: It was team member Shawn Danko’s birthday. Happy birthday, Shawn!

I don’t know if any vegetarians read this blog, but if they do, local foodie Ben Carter posted a link to Epicurious on how to prepare a vegducken, the meatless version of a turducken. I have to admit this article makes me awfully glad I eat meat.

Moody Ques news: Our fearless leader, team president Moody, is movin’ on up in her career. She has accepted a position with the federal government in McAllen, Texas. As a result, her one-bedroom apartment in Number 10 Main will be up for rent in early December. 1 BR, W/D, 810 square feet, rent pretty reasonable given the location and the amenities. Hit me up at if you want to know more. There will be a going-away party for Moody at Cafe Keough Friday, December 4 from 7 to 10 PM, and those who want to keep going will stumble over to Bardog afterward.

Obviously Moody won’t be able to run the team from hundreds of miles away. The team leaders are meeting Sunday to discuss restructuring the board of directors.

That’s it for now. I’ll be out after work, not sure where yet.