Memphis Farmers Market taking vendor applications and more (Monday update #2)

Vendor applications are being taken for the Memphis Farmers Market. The market, held at Front and G.E. Patterson Saturdays 7 AM to 1 PM, is considered one of the best farmers markets in the country. As everyone knows, I am a huge fan of fresh produce, and that is what the majority of MFM vendors sell. However, lots of other stuff gets sold too, including meats, seafood, eggs, pottery, dog treats, breads and tarts, cheeses, hot sauce, coffee, pre-prepared meals, popsicles, and a lot more. If you produce any of this stuff locally, there may be a spot for you at the farmers market; why not fill out an application?

The city has opened a new Office for Minority and Women-owned Business Development and Joann Massey has been appointed director. Nice move to make sure all in this city have a shot at opportunity, Mayor Strickland!

Future president Harry Truman wrote a letter to Mrs. Truman during his stay at the Peabody Hotel in 1941. He complained about being charged an outrageous 55 cents for breakfast.

The monthly Downtown Neighborhood Association meeting has been announced for Tuesday, February 23, and the speaker is a good one: Memphis Grizzlies president Jason Wexler. The meeting will be in the Horseshoe Lounge at FedExForum, 6 PM social, 6:30 program. Snacks and beverages will be available. Free to DNA members, $10 non-members.

If you want a livable Memphis, consider signing this petition against Tennessee bill SB1716-HB1650. If passed, the bill would prevent TDOT from using any gas tax money on non-vehicular projects. That would mean no funding for bike/pedestrian lanes. It is important for this bill to be defeated in the Legislature.

Not Downtown news but interesting: Printer’s Alley, the late-late-night bar on Cleveland, is now a VIP-only club. You must hold a VIP card, or accompany a cardholder and approved by management, to get in.

The MBJ has an article on the beer and Girl Scout cookie pairing coming to High Cotton’s taproom on March 24 to raise money for Troop901’s scholarship fund.

Heading out to happy hour. Since it’s Presidents Day, I’m under the assumption that Bardog is probably already packed. So I am going to take a week off from Melissa Monday there and lead off at Blind Bear tonight. Back tomorrow with more.