Hey, y’all want a preview of something I’m going to write about on Medium this week?
We need to celebrate our mental victories more.
For the past 4 months, I called myself a professional writer, but days would go by and I couldn’t think of anything to write about. I made it a goal to become an idea machine. This month I have attained that goal. I can comfortably go to bed with absolutely no clue what I will write about on Medium the next day. But I know that by the time I wake up, I will have a topic in mind. That’s as big a deal as buying a new car. It deserves to be celebrated as such. Really, more. A car is an income-consuming asset. Being an idea machine is an income-producing asset.
I’ve been reading books about spirituality, about drawing your future self to you. Yesterday afternoon, after doing a self-invented exercise (another topic I will write about this week), I am convinced I stepped into my September 2021 best version future writer self, brought him back to the present, and harnessed his wisdom and energy in a 4-hour session on my laptop. That’s as big, and as positive a life change, as adopting a new puppy. I forged a relationship with another being. It’s just that in this case, the other being was an aspect of myself.
So yeah, that’s a writing topic for this week. Just gotta stretch it out to 1000+ words, come up with a snazzy title (on Medium, 75% of your success is how well you write headlines), and pick a free stock photo as the article’s featured image.
Tigers on national TV alert! Penny’s team travels to East Carolina to play this afternoon at 3. The game will be televised on ESPN2.
Take the umbrella if you go out today. MemphisWeather.net predicts a 60% chance of rain today. Tonight there is a 100% chance of rain as temperatures rise from 54 to a high of 70 tomorrow.
Interested in a career in education? Teach901 hosts a virtual job fair this week.
News on The Dirty Crow Inn’s pop-up restaurant at the 40et8 in West Memphis:
This week’s special is the Dirty Dawg! A Nathan’s Hot Dog wrapped in Bacon deep fried and topped with Ponchos style cheese sauce and topped with crumbled bacon! Yes it’s as good as it sounds! Come to the 40et8 Sunday starting @3pm. Also bringing back the Dirty Hawaiian, smoked pulled Chicken with soy ginger sauce and topped with a spicy Pineapple Chutney. Live music starting @4pm. See everyone Sunday!!
New flavor of potato chips at Downtown Walgreens!
Trolls prefer foods that are the same color as their hair, so Mendatius T. Roll was very excited about these Game Day Chili flavored Lay’s. (His sister Socially Distant Perjorie prefers dill pickle-flavored Lay’s.) You’re going to want a cold drink next to you when you rip open a bag of these chips. They’ve got a bite to them!
By the end of the day we will know who’s going to be in the Super Bowl. Back tomorrow with more news.