Tuesday update

I snapped this photo of the incoming nasty weather about 8:10 last night:

I tweeted the photo and tagged MemphisWeather.net, who retweeted it and said I had captured an image of a storm’s outflow boundary moving north over the I-55 bridge. About 10 minutes after I snapped this shot, we had torrential rain Downtown.

Ladies – did you marry loving, supportive, giving Dr. Jekyll, and now he has turned into cold, condescending, dismissive Mr. Hyde? Suzanna Quintana, one of my favorite fellow writers on Medium, has some insight as to what may be going on. Give her article a read and see if you see your situation mirrored in it. (If you have trouble getting past Medium’s paywall, here’s an alternate link.)

Exciting news from Pam & Terry:

HUGE NEWS ABOUT PAM AND TERRY!!!!!! We are officially moving to a NEW LOCATION ON BEALE STREET!!!!! We will start in July during the grand opening!! ——-drum roll——
GHOST RIVER BREWING!!!!!!! The first MEMPHIS brewed beer!! This venue is INCREDIBLE and geared for LIVE MUSIC


We are elated to start this new chapter of our music world.
THANK YOU our DEAR friends for all your CONTINUED love and support. I have TONS of news for you about Memphis and This exciting change.
Please stay TUNED IN.


I left a comment on their Facebook post letting them know I can’t wait to hear them in the new space, and they responded with another piece of good news: Pam & Terry play the Blind Bear this Friday night! Not sure if this will be a patio show (those usually start at 7) or an indoor show (usually start at 9 or 10). As soon as I get clarification I’ll post an update.

Suggestion to get drag racers off the streets: Instead of impounding their cars, replace their 2000s Dodge Challengers with second-generation Dodge Challengers.

The Flyer has photos from May 29’s Hoedown on Huling annual block party. It is so nice to have outdoor festivals back!

TDOT has released an animation of repairs needed on the I-40 bridge.

The Redbirds host the Gwinnett Stripers in the first game of a 6-game homestand tonight at 7:10. Free Ballpark Nachos to all who attend.

That’ll do it for today. Once again we have rain moving in from the south, so take an umbrella. Back tomorrow with more news.