Monday update

The 2022 Major League Baseball Home Run Derby will be on ESPN tonight at 7. Here’s the bracket. He’s a longshot at age 42, but as a Cardinals fan, I will be rooting for Albert Pujols.

FedEx is moving its data to the cloud and getting rid of its remaining centralized data centers. As someone who has a background in IT, I can tell you this is a wise, wise, wise decision and worth the extra effort it takes to move the data.

From Hot New Hip Hop: Yo Gotti addresses the threatened shooting of people leaving his Birthday Bash last Friday. The threat came about 3 hours after the show ended, so attendees were never in any real danger.

Interesting article from FiveThirtyEight: Is coaching an NBA Summer League team a springboard to becoming an NBA head coach? It was for the Grizzlies’ Taylor Jenkins and 10 other head coaches in the league.

Today is National Sour Candy Day. My writing assistant Perjorie T. Roll recommends Trolli Sour Bite Twisted Crawlers.

You can take part in a celestial sound bath tonight at 6:30 at the Broom Closet.

I didn’t go out yesterday, and as a result I enjoyed a restful, peaceful, air-conditioned night’s sleep and my bad legs feel somewhat improved. Only thing was, I had my least favorite nightmare again – I was back in 12th grade (despite having my college degrees) and had to write a 10-page paper on classic British literature. I couldn’t do Shakespeare because he’s been done to death. I was required to do footnotes or end notes instead of parenthetical citations, which are so much easier, and I had to turn in my 3×5 note cards along with the paper. School really made me hate British lit. I must have had this dream 30 times over the years.

Back tomorrow with more news.