Sorry, people. I stayed out until 3 AM. I am running on fumes right now.
Bardog’s 10 AM crowd is ten million percent more my speed than Blind Bear’s 1 AM crowd, but I have to take what I can get right now, with Bardog closed for repairs.
Latest I hear (through the grapevine, not official channels) is that they’re aiming for a Friday opening date. We shall see. I need some drunk Price Is Right in my life. Bartender Allie Cat and I were Facebook messenging each other as we watched from our homes yesterday:
“I totally judge people who can’t get the wheel to do a complete spin”
“Both of those Showcase contestants made terrible bids. The man is $20,000 low but he’d going to win because the woman went over.” Nineteen thousand for a new car, a trip to Europe, and a new kitchen? C’mon man!
That’s it. I’ll try to do a better post tomorrow. Go Hogs.