Monday update


And they did NOT play the Washington Redskins as you told me yesterday. That team no longer exists. The final score was the Washington COMMANDERS 26, Dallas Cowgirls 6.

Don’t you have any sensitivity toward Indians? Meaning, feather Indians as opposed to dot Indians.

Yesterday at the Blind Bear we said goodbye to our brother Nappin Ass Nate. OMG it was beautiful. Charles you are a brilliant master of ceremonies. There were so many stories of how Nate cared about his friends, and how he went out of his way to be there for them.

I cried. A lot.

I didn’t get on the mic due to an accident I had earlier in the day, so I’ll say my piece here. Nate, I would compare you to Norm (from the TV show Cheers). But that’s not personal enough. That’s not Memphis enough.

Nate, you were the DILLON MOTHERFUCKIN BROOKS of the Blind Bear. You may not have been the flashiest, but in your own way, you were a badass and the glue that held our merry band of misfits together.

Love you forever, bro.

Shit, dog.

Someone bought a round of shots of Rumple for the room. OMG I hate Rumple but for Nate I did it.

And yes, I got my 4 mini corn dogs with honey mustard. I did not get to force-feed Butt Slut #1 a corn dog with mustard. She and I were totally gonna wrestle at the Bear (Nate would have loved it) but I fell and bloodied my nose on Union walking over from Bardog.

Yes, I’m OK. Thanks to my friends who ran and got napkins and bandages.

The Grizzlies are tied for first in the West following last night’s win over Utah.

All right. That’s all I’ve got this morning. Back tomorrow.