Tuesday update

THE PICK IS IN: Minnesota governor Tim Walz is Kamala Harris’ running mate. In other election news, Kamala Harris has secured enough delegates in e-balloting to secure the Democratic nomination for president. 

The USA TODAY Coaches’ Poll is out. While the football Memphis Tigers did not crack the top 25, they got the most points of any Group of Five team. 

WREG asks, following recent closings, is Beale Street OK? Memphis Tourism’s Kevin Kane says yes, that the downturn is part of a nationwide cycle. 

Today is a good day to visit A. Schwab’s old-fashioned soda fountain on Beale. It’s National Root Beer Float Day. 

A chocolate muffin has gone viral at the Paris Olympics. 

Max Kaplan plays Live at the Tracks at Central Station Thursday evening. 

Elmwood Cemetery hosts What Lies Beneath: Tales & Secrets of the Cottage Thursday 6-8 PM. $25 includes lemonade, sangria, and small bites.

Olympic men’s basketball: USA vs. Brazil, 2:30 today, NBC.

Elvis Week starts Friday.

The Chicago White Sox have lost 21 in a row.

Soul & Spirits’ 2nd annual book fair is Saturday.

Soulin’ on the River returns to Fourth Bluff Friday 7-10 PM featuring KJ Willis.

The Drafts and Laughs comedy show comes to Memphis Made’s new taproom in The Edge Saturday evening. 

The Downtown service industry has been discussing the death of Ced, one of the neighborhood’s street people, this week. As I understand it,, Ced was not homeless; his parents dropped him off in the mornings to wander the neighborhood he loved. 

Ced would come in area restaurants and bars and ask for a water or Coke to go. He was always so polite. It’s believed he watched service industry folks he cared about as they walked to their homes and cars, ready to help if they encountered any street people not as nice as he. 

RIP Ced. We will miss you. It’s believed heat exhaustion may have caused his death. 

Today is supposed to be the last day with temps in the mid-90s and 100+ heat index for a while. I sure hope so. Back tomorrow with more news.

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