Dec 4 update on me

I had to go back to the hospital on Friday – Methodist this time. I was treated and got better. Monday I was released. I’m back staying at the Union Mission.

Y’all, I am not well mentally. I have about 1001 things stressing me out. I feel so alone. I feel like the world is closing in on me. My anxiety level is to the moon and back.

This blog may disappear soon. My domain expires next week. I have the money on a debit card to renew it, but the renewal form requires a phone number and I no longer have one.

I need to get out of the Mission but I don’t see a path to that.

I need help. More than anything I need a friend who will listen and not judge me or lecture me.

My apologies to those who have come here expecting the Downtown news. I have let you down the past couple of months.