Exciting news: Center City Commission to launch pilot program to combat panhandling

This morning the Memphis Daily News published plans about a pilot program the Center City Commission will run this year to combat panhandling.  They are requesting proposals for private security companies to provide four private security officers to patrol the Main Street Mall and surrounding areas.  Two will work an 8 AM to 4 PM shift, and two will work 4 PM to midnight.  According to Larry Bloom, the CCC’s safety director, the officers will patrol Downtown looking for quality-of-life concerns such as illegal panhandling, harassment, public intoxication, public drinking, and other quality-of-life concerns.

However, the officers’ mission will not be only punitive in nature.  The Center City Commission will identify agencies that can provide help to those on the street that need it.  The officers will then make contact with those they see panhandling and loitering Downtown, and get appropriate social services for those who want help.

Through the Handling-Panhandling forum, Larry told me about this program months ago, and I’m excited that it’s close enough to fruition that articles are starting to appear in the media.  The CCC has been working for several years to redirect people’s generosity from panhandlers to social service agencies through their “Say No to Panhandling” program, but that alone has not been enough.  This is a program that will address the needs of both the panhandlers and the community.  Great job, Larry and the CCC!

The Daily News article is available here.

Rest in Peace, Silver

I’m sad to report the passing away of a true Downtown legend.  Silver, owner of Silver Salon on G.E. Patterson, was found dead Wednesday morning in the upstairs loft of the salon, which was his home.

Silver was one of the most colorful characters in the South Main area.  He could often be found sitting at the patio table in front of his salon having a beer with friends, or dancing at Earnestine & Hazel’s, or having a good time at the old Blue Monkey.  He was also a dear friend to many who lived in the area.  He was a good listener, someone people could confide in, someone who always had words of encouragement and advice.

I met Silver through mutual friends several years ago.  Toward the end of 2004 I was sitting at the bar at the Monkey one day when he popped in.  We got to talking, and I commented how silly it was that I continued to go to Midtown to get my hair cut when he was right down the street.  “You need to come see me,” he replied.

So I started going to him to cut my hair.  He was more of a hair artist than a hair stylist, and I gave him the freedom to cut it however he wanted.  A trip to Silver’s wasn’t just a haircut, it was an experience.  People would drop by to hang out.  I met several other South Main people I now know well while sitting in his shop.  Because of all the people there, sometimes it would take an hour to get a haircut… but it was guaranteed to be the most entertaining hour of the day.

He also had amazing intuition and gave great advice.  “Are you seeing anyone right now?” he’d ask.

“Well, I was, but she…” I’d start to reply.

“You were too nice!” he interrupted.  “That’s why she pulled away from you.  You were too nice to her.  You weren’t a challenge.”  Weird thing is, Silver was absolutely right, even though I didn’t even get one sentence out of my mouth about the situation.  I asked him one time how he developed some amazing intuition with people.  “Paul, I’ve been cutting hair for 25 years.  I talk to the women who spend an hour and a half in here getting their hair curled and colored.  Don’t you think I’ve picked up a thing or two from them?”

Wish I had been around him more during the last year of his life.  He and I had a disagreement on how my hair was going to be cut – he wanted to keep it fairly short (see the November 2006 photos in the photo gallery) and I wanted to grow it long again.  So I moved on to City House where a friend of mine had started cutting hair.  She does a great job.  Who trained her when she got into the business?  Silver.

I’d still see him around town occasionally, and remember having a few great conversations with him at Nate’s bar at Earnestine & Hazel’s from time to time during 2007.  I popped in his salon for Trolley Tour a few times during the year as well.  Silver was a big supporter of the local arts scene and invited artists to exhibit their work in his salon.

It’s going to be weird – and very sad – to walk in Earnestine’s and know that I won’t see him there laughing and having fun.  I’m also sad that he didn’t live to see the new Downtown Blue Monkey open its doors.

He was one of Downtown’s most colorful and unique characters and South Main just won’t be the same without his presence.  My friend Robert put it best in an e-mail he sent me – “he was a living legend and a South Main institution.”

I’ve been asked to post the details of his memorial service, because his obituary won’t be in the paper until Saturday.  It will be Sunday, January 13 at 4:00 PM at La Pavilion, 1052 Brookfield Road in East Memphis.

Rest in peace, Silver, it was an honor knowing you.

Thursday update

Last night I hung out with one of my blog’s readers, and she commented on my lack of early-morning posts lately on the weekdays.  There are a few reasons why those have been lacking this week:

– I discovered that I can sleep as late as possible in the morning, throw on clothes, brush my teeth, walk to work, and come home at lunch to shower.  When I first started the job the VP of Development told me to show up “sometime between 8 and 9” in the morning, which means if I delay the shower I can sleep past 8 in the morning and still make it to work on time.  That means I can stay out ’til 1 and still get a decent night’s sleep.  So I just haven’t had time to do my morning posts the past few days.

– Work has been extremely busy.  Our lead developer is in from NYC this week stepping us through the application we’ll be working on.  There’s been a lot to learn, so I just haven’t had much time to think about material for future posts.

– I learned yesterday that a friend of mine, a person who was truly the heart and soul of the South Main community, passed away yesterday.  I’ll do a post in his memory sometime in the next few days but as of yet have not been able to find the words.

Found out that the Cuban restaurant I had heard about will eventually happen in the space next door to Pearl’s that is currently a salsa dance club.  Friends of mine went there and told me it’s a very nice space, with big dance floor, well stocked bar, and an eclectic mix of people.  Their plan is to eventually open a Cuban cafe inside but it has not happened yet.  My friends say that the new place, to be called the Rumba Room, already has quite a following and everyone seems to have a great time there.

I’m still on John Kerry’s e-mail list from when I joined prior to the 2004 election… got an e-mail from him today saying that he has come to a decision on which candidate he will support – Barack Obama.  Wow.  When he was running, I wasn’t a huge Kerry fan – I just saw him as better than the alternative in the general election (hell, a chimpanzee would’ve been better than the alternative, and smarter too).  But he’s still one of the BIG names in the Democratic Party and his voice counts.  I’m still undecided whom to vote for in the upcoming primary, but I’m swaying a little bit toward Obama.

My plans to watch last night’s Tiger game at McGuinness got scrapped when I received a text informing me of the Saucer’s Fire Sale – Dos Equis Special Lager.  Needless to say, that changed everything.  I stayed at the Saucer for about 4 hours, then moved to Hoop’s Bar.  The sales and marketing people from work were there and I hung out with them for a while.  My core group of friends was at the bar too, and also some Saucer regulars I haven’t seen in a while.  Good times.

I’ll probably take a night off from going out tonight, in order to catch up on sleep and chores around the apartment.  That way I’ll be refreshed for the weekend.

Holy crap!  My favorite blogger/MILF’s blog is gone!  Gonna have to find out the 411 on that.

Bad news for Downtown reported on the Memphis Business Journal’s site:  Two more stores in the Peabody Place Mall have closed.  Particularly sad to hear Napoli Pizza is gone.  They had inexpensive Italian fare, and we need places Downtown where you can fill up for $7-8 or less.  Fortunately Roma opened a few blocks up Third, and they have a similar menu.

Also in the MBJ – owners of Downtown restaurant Neely’s BBQ (it’s on Jefferson just east of Danny Thomas) will have their own show on the Food Network beginning in February.

These lunch hours fly by way too fast.  Back to work.

Drunk post that never made it

(11:45 AM Wednesday:  Typed most of this last night but forgot to hit Publish.) 

I heard from an unconfirmed source that Big Foot is doing $2 34 oz. beer before the Tigers game (tonight) from 5 to 7.  If anyone can confirm this please let me know.  I’d act like a real journalist and confirm this myself but I’m too busy enjoying Paul’s Drunkass Nachos from Huey’s.

So Hillary won the NH primary.  I have an idea for a Democratic ticket for you.  No, not Hillary and Bill.  Constitutionally that can’t happen because Bill has already served two full terms.  But how about… Clinton-Gore.  Al said he’d never run for PRESIDENT.  Not vice.   And there’s no Constitutional limit on the number of terms one can serve as VP.

A friend of mine recently viewed the Stumbling Santa pics from last December, and proposed:  What about Stumbling Abe Lincoln next month in honor of Presidents’ Day?  Not a bad idea.

The Rapscallions handily took first place in trivia this week with a perfect third round.  (Edit:  From this point on picking up at Wednesday lunchtime)  That brings our stash to $295 in gift certificates, with several more weeks to go before we cash them in.  Good to see the team returning to its dominant ways.

One more thought about the Democratic primary:  If Edwards hangs tough and picks up some wins in Southern states, then we could reach a point where no candidate has a majority of the delegates by the time the election rolls around.  In that case negotiations would occur at the convention to reach a consensus on the nominee.  That used to happen all the time, but I can’t remember a case in my lifetime where either party ended primary season without a candidate having locked up the nomination.  Come to think of it, it could happen on the Republican side too.

Rep. Steve Cohen will have a meet-and-greet at his Downtown office, 167 N. Main suite 369, Friday from 2 to 4.  If you haven’t met your Congressman this is your chance.  He’s a great guy.

UFO Club members:  The “Beer Goddess Video” sent yesterday has a link to another quiz you can take for a $5 gift certificate at the Saucer, redeemable tonight only.

Plans for tonight:  I’ll stop by and redeem my gift certificate.  The gang is meeting at McGuinness to watch the Tiger game, so sometime between start of game and halftime I’ll move over there.  McGuinness is always a lot of fun on Wednesday nights.

All right, before I forget to post again, let me hit Publish and then walk back to work.

Cuban restaurant?

Last night I heard a rumor that a Cuban restaurant was coming to the Downtown core neighborhood.  Anyone got more info on this?

Good day at work yesterday.  Met my boss for the first time (he flew down from the NY office) and four new co-workers, and I can tell I’ve got some sharp people to work with.  I really enjoy this job, more than I’ve enjoyed any job since I quit teaching at the U of M.

Tonight:  Beer, trivia, waitresses, the usual Tuesday stuff.

Not a whole lot interesting to report from this weekend.  I did re-visit a couple of places I haven’t been recently.  Saturday night I left Hoop’s Bar about 1:30, and as I stumbled past Swig I saw one of the managers of the Saucer and one of the owners of the Majestic inside, and I went in and had a drink with them.  It was actually kind of fun and my friend Ugly Steve is now bartending there.  I may actually give the place a chance and start going in there once in a while.

Another place I haven’t been to in a long time is the Black Diamond.  Tonight at the Saucer I got hungry and didn’t want Saucer food.  So I walked down to the Fish for their 25-cent oysters, but they had run out so I went to the Diamond and got pizza.  It was kind of nice to sit at the bar and watch the tourists and the bums walk around Beale Street.  The bartender remembered my name and what I drink (PBR can, of course), even though I haven’t been in there in more than 6 months.  They had The Simpsons, King of the Hill, and Family Guy on TV with the sound on.  Every now and then I turned to another TV to watch Clemson almost take down North Carolina.  The Tar Heels managed to hold on to their #1 spot – for now.  I’ll point out that they barely scraped past the #19 team, whereas #2 Memphis convincingly beat the #4 team a couple of weeks ago.

After eating I went back to the Saucer and stayed there until close.  Inside joke that almost no one gets department – one of the regulars asked me to put this in the blog:  Jason Canada, what’s up from Johnny Mason, get buck from Fancher.

Played a game called Catch Phrases with a bored waitress.  I had never heard of it before but was pretty good at it because it’s similar to a game show called Password I watched when I was a kid.  Allen Ludden… now that guy was one of the great game show hosts of all time.

I got the high score on Gone Fishing on the video crack machine at Hoop’s Bar Saturday night.  I now hold 6 of the top 10 scores.  That’s enough for now.  I’ll probably take a break from the crack machine and start actually socializing at Hoop’s again, unless someone beats my score and then it’ll be time to get serious again.

I meet my boss in the morning.  Odd considering I’ve been there 2 months now, but he works in the New York office and I work in the Memphis office.  Up ’til now we’ve used Yahoo Messenger to communicate.  We also have 7 new IT people who start tomorrow.  It’s going to be a wild and crazy day.

If you like Elvis, hit AllMemphisMusic.com on Tuesday.  The Internet radio station will play nothing but Elvis for the entire 24 hours in honor of his birthday.

High is predicted to be in the 70s.  That means after work I’ll have to change into shorts before I head to Pint Nite.

Recap of last night: Beer coupons, PBRtinis, and angry bums

All right, this is going to be my attempt to turn a recap of a totally boring night into an interesting post.

All week long at work I’ve been converting code to C#, which is the programming language my company uses. Good language but it tends to go a little crazy with parentheses, brackets, and semicolons. By Friday I was thinking in those terms even when I wasn’t working. So my Friday night plans looked like this:


if (Saucer.FireSale.Sucks == true)

if (McGuinness.Crowd.HotBabes.Count == 0)

while (HoopsBar.Inventory.PBRcans > 0)

foreach (bar in DowntownMemphis.bars)
foreach (server in bar.Servers)
if ((sever.Gender == “F”) && (server.Nationality == “Romanian”))
PaulsFavoriteBar = bar;

Downtown was DEAD last night. Started at the Saucer, because I had a $5 gift certificate to spend. Attn UFO Club members: You know those “Important Beer Goddess Video” e-mails they send every week, that most of us usually send straight to the trash can? Well, they’ve started putting links to beer quizzes at the end of some of the videos. Score 7 out of 10 on the quiz and you get a gift certificate, good for one day only, to print out. The beer quizzes are kind of hard, but think about it… you’re taking it on the Internet anyway, so you can pop open a new browser window and use Wikipedia to cheat. So I had two Fire Sales, and minus the gift certificate, my tab was 50 cents. Cheapest tab ever at the Saucer.

Wandered around Downtown for a while and landed at Hoop’s Bar, where I discovered a new item on the menu:


At the bottom of the menu, there it was, the newest drink at Hoop’s Bar – the PBRtini. This drink, of course, consists of PBR poured into a martini glass. Someone asked how much it was. Hooper thought for a minute and said, “$8.50.” Of course, he was joking. If it were on the menu at Swig, they probably WOULD charge $8.50.


Hoop was kind enough to leave the plastic ring can-holder on one of the PBR cans he sold me. I decided to walk through the door to EP’s and wander around their classy restaurant carrying a PBR with the plastic rings on it for a few minutes. I’m sure they loved that.

Also while at Hoop’s, I discovered that Gone Fishing is one of the games on their video crack machine. It’s this stupid game where salmon jump out of a hole in a frozen pond, and a polar bear hits them with a bat, trying to knock them as far down the icy pond as possible. If you hit them at the right angle, the fish bounce and you get extra yardage. The Tap Room had this game on their video crack machine a few years ago and I spent hours and hours in there playing. I pumped a 5 in the Hoop’s Bar machine and started whacking fish until I had “PROF PAUL” on 4 of the 10 high scores. Then I left the remainder of the credits for someone else to play. With that machine in there, I may as well re-route my paycheck to direct deposit into Hoop’s Bar’s corporate account.

Walked out EP’s front door a little after midnight, and walked up Beale to Main and up Main to Peabody Place. There I ran into one of Downtown’s most visible panhandlers, notorious for charging people to park on lots where he doesn’t work and also at metered spaces. Usually he makes a snide comment and then leaves me alone. But this time he came right up to me and started cussing me out. “I got fired from my job at the parking lot because of an e-mail you sent!” he said, or that’s what was left with all the profanity removed.

Now, he didn’t actually have a job. People with “jobs” have ID badges, and fill out W-4 forms, and if they’re parking lot attendants they have uniforms. What really happened was, a couple of the parking lot attendants at a lot at Main and Beale got lazy and allowed the bums on the lot to “help” sometimes. This caused a big problem as the bums felt empowered to come back to the lot when it was unattended and go into business for themselves, as well as charge for parking at the metered spaces on the streets near the lot. People should be able to come Downtown and park and enjoy themselves without having to deal with these morons.

So, Wednesday night I caught this particular panhandler on the lot while there was an attendant there, taking money from people apparently with the attendant’s permission. So I wrote up a post to the Handling-Panhandling forum calling out the lot’s owner by name, linking to the names and pictures of the three worst panhandlers who “work” this lot and requesting that something be done. And something was done. Heh. Thanks to a few friends who helped round up info on these idiots to turn over to the lot’s owner.

One thing we’re working to do on Handling-Panhandling is get the owners of all the parking lots near Beale Street to swear out authorizations of agency against known individuals who run parking scams. With those in place, the cops would be empowered to arrest those guys anytime they are seen on the parking lots – and it would not be a slap-on-the-wrist panhandling citation, but rather a criminal trespass charge that would earn them a free ride to 201.

Let me make one other thing clear – the panhandler who we got “fired” from his parking lot “job” is not homeless. He told us he has a home, and even a computer (he’s tried to join the panhandling forum). He has neat, laundered clothes on every day. He’s able-bodied and fairly intelligent. He’s a slick talker and has a good grasp of persuasion and psychology. There’s no reason why he couldn’t go get a job – a REAL one – except that he sees more economic opportunity in panhandling.  I’m tempted to get him one of the open inside sales positions at my company, except I know what it pays per week and it’s probably less than he makes as a bum, especially when you consider that his “earnings” are tax-free.

So anyway, after that unpleasant encounter, I stopped by McGuinness for a beer, but it was positively DEAD, so I gave up for the evening and wandered home.

Plans for today: No idea. The gang is heading to McGuinness at noon to watch the Tiger game but I’m not sure if I’ll make it. Will be at McGuinness for brunch at 11 tomorrow though.

Iowa caucus analysis

Here’s a link to a very good New York Times article analyzing the Iowa caucus results:

Obama and Huckabee: The Two Earthquakes

I’m still undecided whom to vote for.  Thanks to the blog readers who sent me info on John Edwards, and I agree, I really like his desire to stand up to corporations to protect the common man and woman.  Now I’m undecided between three candidates instead of just two.