If you’re looking for info on Residents for a Safer Downtown Memphis, we now have a website and an e-mail address. The website is currently just a splash page but I’ll have some kind of newsletter mechanism in place by this weekend. From this point forward all business related to downtown crime will be conducted there. If you want to see my crime posts that kicked this whole thing off, check the archives on or about Monday, June 5 and read forward from that date. And now, back to our regularly scheduled blogging.
– Last night was the 1-year birthday party for Big Foot Lodge, and as usual Sean put on one hell of a bash. The party featured $2 you-call-it drinks, but I went for quantity over quality and went with $2 34 oz. cups of Bud Select. I sipped my beer and watched the angry lobsters in Big Foot’s tank fight it out as best they could, given that their claws were taped shut. They all seemed to be ganging up on one lobster in the corner, and by the end of the evening, he was lying on his side, dead. Lobsters are some mean critters. I don’t feel so bad about eating them after seeing that.
– One of the other Big Foot regulars who I had not met before came up to me and said, “So, I hear it’s Tube Top Month!” And she was reprazentin’ in a white tube top. Glad to see my blog is making a difference. I had actually seen her before, surfing MySpace pages. I went back to her page just now and discovered a comment one of her girlfriends left on Monday: “I may have to hit up the pint nite tonight… you going? I really hope this gal will be working… she’s my favorite!” and there was a picture of me in my Halloween costume, when I dressed up as one of the Flying Saucer waitresses. Too funny.
– Met a lot of other cool people too… Hugh Jass, nice to finally meet you after seeing you out at clubs for more than a decade. Let me know if the anniversary party happens… I’ll give it some publicity on the blog.
– Dammit… lunch hour’s over already. Time to shut down the laptop and head back to work, so it’s going to be a short post today. I will mention one event coming up this weekend… the Orpheum will be showing This is Spinal Tap on the big screen Saturday night as part of their classic movie series (and they’re really stretching the definition of “classic” this time). I’ll leave you with some lyrics from the Spinal Tap soundtrack:
Big bottom
Big bottom
Talk about mud flaps,
My girl’s got ’em
Big bottom
Drive me out of my mind
How can I leave this
Hey! Spinal Tap wrote a song about the girl I danced with at Raiford’s last weekend. How cool is that?
I’ll be on the Peabody rooftop tonight for their weekly party. If you see me up there, say hello!
If I find out about more stuff to do this weekend, I’ll make another post later today.