Wednesday update

I’m hung over. This post is probably going to suck.

As usual, I’m sitting in Otherlands using their Wi-Fi to make my usual lunchtime post. Kinda hungry for a burger. Let’s see what they have on their menu… “Veggie burger (choose a Garden or Boca burger).” Hmmm. Yeah. I think I’ll be hitting Burger King’s drive-thru on the way back to work.

The new Memphis Flyer is out… let’s see what we’ve got this week. Leon Gray’s show on Progressive Talk 680 AM got cancelled! Wow. When I worked in East Memphis I used to listen to his show every afternoon on the drive home. Now that I work in Midtown the drive is too short to even bother turning on the radio, so I wasn’t aware he was gone. Apparently mum’s the word from the station manager. Anyone got the 411 on why Leon left? E-mail me if you do. I won’t mention it on the blog if you don’t want, just curious as a Leon fan and progressive radio listener.

There’s a musical at Playhouse on the Square called “Urinetown.” This is probably a musical about the Main Street Mall, which reeks of urine because the bums use vacant storefronts as their own personal bathrooms. The horses that pull the carriages urinate on the mall too, but the carriage drivers carry buckets of soapy water to clean up after the horses. Nobody cleans up after the bums.

Mpact Memphis is having its After Hours on the rooftop of The Lofts, Tennessee at GE Patterson, next Wednesday at 6 PM, with music by The Glass. I haven’t done anything with Mpact in a while but this event sounds pretty cool. I guess I’ll check it out. I wonder if I’ll be the only one who shows up in shorts. I can’t help but think back to the event Mpact did at AutoZone Park last June, where I wore a T-shirt and shorts and everyone else was wearing “business casual” attire or suits despite the fact that the event was outdoors and it was, like, 99 degrees. Being comfortable is more important to me than projecting the image of a “young professional.” I’m a young un-professional. They better have alcohol at this event.

I really like my horoscope for this week in the Flyer. I’d post it but it would take too long to type and besides, posting and commenting on horoscopes is Kat’s thing. Kat is a fellow Scorpio. Liana the blond Romanian who was here last summer is a fellow Scorpio (we actually share the same birthday). The Most Annoying Woman On The Planet is a fellow Scorpio, and I’m tempted to type a few comments on her Scorpio traits, but again, it would take too long.

Quick recap of events at the Saucer last night: My Residents for a Safer Downtown Memphis co-founder Mike King presented me with a framed copy of last week’s Flyer article about our organization and my blog. His dad had it framed for me. Thanks Mike, and Mike’s dad.

Let’s see… what else happened… I ran into Mendi, who put “I made Downtown Paul’s blog!” on her MySpace page last week. She was there to pick up her debit card, which she apparently loses all the time. I just took another look at her MySpace page… under “Heroes,” she lists Raiford. This girl is cool. We gotta hang out sometime.

Our trivia team turned in a poor performance last night, but then, a lot of the questions just plain sucked. There were almost no pop-culture questions, nullifying the Nuh-Uh Girl’s contribution to the team. Trivia Guy did a “here’s a world map, identify the marked country” question and it was Iraq. I was shocked how many people didn’t know it was Iraq. Hasn’t anyone watched the news in the past three years?

One of the bartenders recommended a good beer mixer – a chocolate cherry. Half Young’s Double Chocolate, half Sam Adams Cherry Wheat. Haven’t tried one yet but it sounds pretty good.

And lunch hour is over. My plan was to start work on a redesign of Residents for a Safer Downtown Memphis’ website with links to our objectives, accomplishments and all that stuff, but what did I do instead? Spent an hour typing this crap-fest of a post. Oh well. Pam e-mailed and requested that I post some new reading material on my blog, and since Pam’s profile pic on her MySpace page is a pic of her in a tube top, how could I say no. Back to the cubicle for an exciting afternoon of figuring out why my Page_Load event and my Button_Click event are conflicting. There’s an ad on the back of the Flyer that says, “Make your computer problem, our problem.” My computer problem is that I have to sit in a damn cubicle all afternoon when I’d rather be at a bar. Perhaps I should call this guy and see if he’ll come sit in the cubicle for me. Anyway, I’m outta here. Enjoy the rest of your Wednesday…