Residents for a Safer Downtown Memphis on Channel 24 News tonight

(Post edited 6:36 PM)

I try not to post from work except at lunchtime, but this one’s urgent.

Channel 24 contacted Residents for a Safer Downtown Memphis this afternoon and asked if they could do an interview for tonight’s news. I wasn’t able to do it, but my co-founder Mike King was. He’ll be on the news this evening, which I’m assuming means 5, 6, and 10.

I have to set up a friend’s computer system after work, and after that I’ll be out tube top watching, so I’ll definitely miss the 5 and 6 and possibly the 10. If anyone can tape or DVR the newscasts I’d appreciate it. (Just talked to Mike and the interview went well, he thought. The entire segment was about RSDM. It will be on Channel 30 at 9 PM and Channel 24 at 10 PM. I have my DVR set to record both of these.

I don’t have it in me to do the Peabody rooftop tonight. Today’s been too stressful. I’ll be on Beale and at the Saucer and maybe Big Foot.)