Today through February 25: Project:Motion presents Emerge

Dance collective Project:Motion presents a performance called Emerge starting tonight. Their flyer/postcard reads,

Project Motion deepens the presence of modern dance in Memphis with Emerge – a dance concert which brings six new artists to the surface. These fresh artists (also lawyers, therapists and teachers by profession) raise works from various investigations – the pull of physical gravity, the complexity of family relationships, the portrait of strong women, and the struggle of immigration. Ideas, questions, and passions take shape and emerge, reaching the surface through the art of the body in space.

Performances will be at TheatreWorks, at 8 PM tonight, tomorrow, and the 22nd, 23rd, and 24th. There will be 2 PM performances this Sunday and next. Tickets are $15 adults and $10 students/seniors. Last time they had a performance the Thursday night show was “pay what you can” night; not sure if they’re doing that again.

Should be a good show – it better be, because rehearsals have deprived my trivia team of one of its most valuable members over the past three months. If you’re into dance, you should definitely make plans to check it out.