A few more BBQ Fest pics

Just checked the camera and found that Thursday-Friday I took an additional 126 photos, as well as 2 videos of the booth. I’ll add those to the photo album to be created Sunday or sometime thereafter. A few preview pics:

I’m inviting this person to join our trivia team. My T-shirt, by the way, reads “I LOVE ROMANIAN GIRLS.”

Speaking of trivia, here’s the trivia master himself, Pete.

Josh and Mikey working security at the front of our booth.

Our pork shoulder, which hopefully will win us a World championship this afternoon.

Night-vision shot from the rooftop deck of our booth.

The judges will come by our booth sometime between 11 and 12 to inspect our pork shoulder this morning. Since I don’t know a thing about cooking, I’m staying out of the booth until afternoon.

I think I’ve finally figured out where I can best contribute to the team in future years. I definitely should not be allowed anywhere near the cooker. I’m too lazy to help build the booth. My disdain for corporate America makes me a poor choice to set up hospitality for the sponsor (although, I will say once again that our sponsor Terex has been awesome to work with). My role, as I see it in future years, will be advising the team on how to attract the right kind of booth visitors (i.e. hot girls). I see a lot of elements – booth design, booth location, lighting, music, distribution of booth invitations – that contribute toward this goal. Once the festival is over I’ll type up my observations on this subject in a post. Maybe it’ll help other teams too.

I just realized I did something DUMB last night though… Friday was payday and I stuck my paycheck (for the past two weeks’ work) in my wallet, forgot about it, and walked all over BBQ Fest with it on me.

High point of the evening last night: Hanging out on the rooftop deck with my friends Shane, Leigh, Todd, Ed, and Vivian. Great night.

I’m still exhausted but I feel a lot better than the past two mornings, probably because I got to sleep until a reasonable hour for a change, without the demands of the rat race interrupting my BBQ and sleep schedules. I’ll probably stop by the Saucer to drink a beer and say hello to my waitresses around noon, then head down to the festival after that. It’s gonna be a beautiful day, so come on down!