Pimp My Cubicle

Yesterday afternoon I was shopping in East Memphis (to my favorite blogger/MILF: Please note that I got out of downtown for more than 2.5 seconds) and on the way out there, I stopped at Bookstar to look around. I noticed this product:

It’s a box called Pimp My Cubicle. If you’re bored with a drab workspace on your job, this box’ll make it bootylicious. It contains the following:

  • A money sign paperweight
  • Gold push pins for your bulletin board
  • A dazzling disco ball
  • A “PiMP” mousepad
  • Leopard-print fringe to hide grey cubicle walls
  • A “Bling!” keyboard key – gold tootheses fo’ yo’ keyboard!
  • A 64-page idea book

It’s on the first aisle at Bookstar, where they keep the clearance/sale merchandise. Or, you can click the link above and get it from Amazon’s selling partners at a discount price.

You may notice I’ve added an Amazon search box to my blog, at the upper left. If you need to buy anything from Amazon (and they no longer sell just books – they have EVERYTHING), please consider searching for it through my blog’s search box. Amazon pays commission when people buy stuff through me. Please support your local blogger!

The trip to East Memphis turned hazardous on the way back… stopped at Memphis Pizza Cafe on Park, and while in there the storm clouds arrived and all hell broke loose. Drove through a puddle on White Station so deep I wasn’t sure the car would get through it… then coming back home, I was going to stop at Bookstar again but it was closed because the power knocked out. Continued driving west on Poplar and soon discovered why… there were power lines down in the middle of the road. Finally made it home, and as I walked through my parking garage to the exit, lightning must have struck a transformer on the garage’s roof. It sounded like a bomb went off! It was good to be home. At least the temp wasn’t 100 for a change.

It was a productive trip though… Target had 70-page notebooks 10 for $1. I keep my personal journals in those, so the $2 I spent on two packs should cover me until 2009.

The Sunday brunch crew has decided to take a field trip this week, because one of our favorite former Saucer bartenders is now working the day shift at McGuinness. So we’re going to go see her, probably followed by our usual stupid antics at the Saucer later in the afternoon. Time to get this party started… I’m outta here!