Main and Beale: panhandling progress

One of the biggest problem areas for panhandling in Downtown Memphis has been the corner of Main and Beale, and the block of Beale between Main and Second. Panhandlers have been known to aggressively hit up people waiting for trolleys at the stops there, as well as swoop in on tourists trying to photograph the Elvis statue. They also like to illegally charge for parking at the Premier Systems Parking lot and for the metered spaces on Beale. Well, I’m pleased to report that progress is being made.

A week ago Sunday I walked down that block, and sure enough a panhandler came right up to me. I talked to him for a minute to find out if he was illegally parking cars in Premier’s lot, and as we were talking a police car pulled up. “Sir, is he bothering you?” the cop asked me, gesturing toward the panhandler. He wasn’t – he was just talking – so I told the officer things were okay.

I continued to see and hear of progress last weekend. Mike King, who co-moderates the Handling-Panhandling forum with me, told me he watched Friday night as the cops arrested one of the panhandlers who was parking cars at Premier. Apparently the guy resisted arrest and it was not pretty – panhandling will only get you a $50 citation, but the illegal parking scam and the resisting arrest charge will add up to jail time.

Saturday I cruised that block twice, once in my car and once on foot. On a weekend day at the tail end of Elvis week, I was sure I’d see lots of panhandlers on that block. I was wrong. I did not see a single panhandler either time. However, both times I did see a cop parked on Beale, keeping a watch on the area.

I have to believe that the police learned about this problem block from the Handling-Panhandling group. Inspector Mhoon, who commands the Downtown Precinct, assigned a lieutenant to monitor the forum, and Main and Beale was a hot discussion topic. Last month I watched as three panhandlers pretty much turned that block into their own private business, parking cars, bothering tourists and even stopping cars on public streets to panhandle. Looks like the Memphis Police and Handling-Panhandling have seriously disrupted their business.

Thanks to MPD for doing such a great job.