Goodbye #1 seed for Tennessee. FRANK? NUH-UH GIRL? CARMEL??? Got comments? Didn’t think so

Last night in the SEC tourney, #2west Arkansas beat #1east Tennnessee 92-91, eliminating them from the SEC championship and destroying Tennessee’s hopes of being a #1 seed in the NCAA tournament.




In other news, Memphis won its conference tourney. As a result, the Tigers will coast on to a sure #1 seed in the NCAA Tournament, to be joined by North Carolina, UCLA and NOT Tennessee.

Can’t wait for the big show tomorrow when we find out where (1) Memphis will be playing. Also where (2) Tennessee will be playing.

Here’s a couple of pics of TN fan Frank:



Sucks to be you, huh Frank? But don’t fret, I’m sure 2-seed Tennessee will do just fine in the tournament.

Beer report:

Previous total: $667.25

Beers 121, 122, and 123 (but 116, 117, and 118 according to the Saucer):
Smithwick’s Ale (Ireland) Fire Sale $2.75
Dogfish Head 60 Minute IPA bottle $5.00
Sam Adams Brown Ale $4.00
Tip: $11.75 x ~ 30% = $4.00
Total: $15.75

Grand total: $683.00

I did the first two beers early in the day, and had my BFF as my waitress. She warned me that the Fire Sale was one of the most disgusting beers ever, and said that it tasted like brown dishwater. I’m sure the Saucer loves it when its employees promote their products like that. Unfortunately she was entirely right. It took me an hour to choke it down.

I sat at the Peabody Place (“G3”) window where I rarely sit, because I wanted to watch for bums. And sure enough, parking scammer Melvin showed up by an empty metered space right in front of the Saucer. I ran outside and told Melvin to go home. He did. Melvin is scared of me. All I have to do is look like I’m calling the cops and he leaves. Guess I’m going to have to sit at that window more often.

Before I left for the parade, I got cornered by my BFF and her mini-me, who tried to talk me into letting them dye my hair. “You should let me dye your hair blue for the Tigers,” said my BFF. “Come on, let me put blue highlights in your hair.” Then the mini-me chimed in, “Or green for St. Patrick’s Day.” “Yeah, Paul, let us put blue and green highlights in your hair! Come on, it’ll look good!” Ummmm no don’t think so.

The St. Pat’s parade was one of the best ever. Because the weather was slightly cooler than normal the street wasn’t overrun with kids. I collected a record amount of beads, candy and other junk. Most unique catch ever from a parade float: A bell pepper, thrown to me from the Memphis Farmers Market float. Afterward I went back to the Saucer to drink my third plate beer and watch Arkansas beat Tennessee. I gave the bell pepper to my BFF and the candy to “go get me candy” girl. Only because the Nuh-Uh Girl is out of town can I do that without hearing, “You had food you didn’t want, and you didn’t give it to ME???”

Looked for East Bumblefuck Kat on the Ptolemy float but didn’t see her. EBFK writes in her blog that Arkansas State was in negotiations to get Nolan Richardson as head basketball coach, but it fell through. Nolan Richardson coaching at A-State is like putting a Porsche engine in a Ford Escort.

I continued my yearly St. Pat’s parade tradition of drinking a Call-a-Cab. A Call-a-Cab is a frozen daiquiri from Wet Willie’s whose potent ingredient is 190 proof PGA. A large Cab has about as much alcohol as a six-pack of beer. Needless to say I was feeling quite good by the time the parade started. Only problem was, the combination of the icy drink I had on, the shorts I was wearing, and the temperature (mid-50s) did not work very well. Usually I can wear shorts down to about 50 if I have a warm shirt on, but not if a drink from Wet Willie’s is part of the plans.

I’ve already listed my plans for today: Brunch at the Majestic. At most 3 beers at the Saucer. On to Big Foot for their St. Pat’s party with $2 34 oz. green beer. I’ll unveil my new T-shirt which will be the source of much hilarity for both Saucer and Big Foot employees. I probably won’t make it until midnight when the winner of the “who will wear the most green” contest is announced. It’s not completely out of the question, though, if I pace myself. At least I’ll have access to really good food if I need to eat – Big Foot tied for Best Restaurant in the Flyer’s Best Of poll, and believe me, Flyer readers know how to pick ’em.

My new shirt just happens to be Razorback red, appropriate for today’s Arkansas vs. Georgia SEC championship game at 2:30 CDT today. That was not intended – that just happened to be the color I chose, but it’s a lucky accident. Since I’ll likely be at Big Foot by then, that means I’ll have to hang out somewhere in the vicinity of the bar, as those are the only seats with good TV views.

Wonder if MySpace legend The Mexican Wolf will be at the party… he usually shows up for Big Foot parties.

Time to walk down to Jack’s, get harassed by bums, and pick up my morning caffeine. Have a good one everyone!