Downtown public safety patrol phone number

Several people have e-mailed me asking for the new security/public safety patrol’s phone number.  It’s (901)281-9146.

Please keep in mind that for right now, the patrol’s coverage area only extends from Front to Second, from Adams on the north to Linden on the south.  Streets outside that area may be covered later if the 3-month pilot program is extended, but are not included during this initial testing phase.  Patrol runs from 8 AM – 9 PM Sun-Wed and 8 AM – 11 PM Thur-Sat.

Please consider adding this number to your cell phone’s contacts.  I’d especially like to ask for your help reporting panhandlers who run parking scams in the Peabody Place/Beale/Front/Second area.  If you see them standing by an unattended metered spot, you know why they’re there.  Just call the security patrol, give as good a description as possible, and they’ll likely be there in 2 minutes.  We’ve all got to work together to run these hustlers out of that area, so that people who visit Downtown can safely exit and enter their cars without being hit up for money.