New site: Hawaiian Shirt Paradise

Announcing the launch of my latest online store:

Hawaiian Shirt Paradise

This is a store that sells Hawaiian shirts in all colors and sizes. There are hundreds of them, and in addition to grouping by color, I’ve grouped them by themes, such as shirts with cars and airplanes on them, shirts with beers and cocktails on them, parrot shirts, flamingo shirts, and so on. They even have Hawaiian shirts for your dog!

As is the case with many of my sites, this is an storefront, so when you order, you’re protected by Amazon’s world-class secure payment system and return policies.  I build these stores in order to organize particular Amazon niches – which can often be very disorganized – into an attractive shopping experience that’s much easier to browse than Amazon itself.

The hardest part of building this site was resisting the temptation to buy about 10 of these shirts for myself.

You may ask, “Isn’t late July the wrong time of the year to launch a Hawaiian shirt store?  It’ll only be Hawaiian shirt weather for a couple more months.”  True, but here’s the thing… after about August 1 it gets hard to find Hawaiian shirts in stores at the mall.  They’ll all be removed to make way for fall and winter inventory.  So where will people go to shop for Hawaiian shirts when they can’t find them at their local Macy’s?  The Internet, that’s where… and as soon as Google indexes me, they’ll start finding my store.

This is the quickest store I’ve ever created – the idea came to me around 5 PM Friday, so I got it up over a weekend.  It’s very similar in organization to my existing store the Tube Top Boutique, so there wasn’t a whole lot to figure out with this one… just a matter of picking categories and items.

I’ll be at Pint Nite a little after 5, probably with my laptop starting to work on my next store.  I have ideas for about five to ten more, so I’m going to be cranking them out in rapid succession.