Scum of the earth: Fake St. Jude donation guy

It’s been a while since I posted a panhandler pic on the blog, but this guy made me do it. Multiple people have been approached by this guy trying to sell them a free magazine (e.g. Downtown Merchant Guide), telling them it’s a dollar donation for St. Jude. When confronted he will not be able to produce ID, and will then change his story. He’ll then admit he’s not associated with the hospital and is not really collecting money for them, but he’ll tell you he still wants a dollar.

How low can you go, claiming to be raising money for a children’s charity. I have multiple witnesses who have personally been approached by this panhandler. Mike King who co-moderates the Handling-Panhandling forum with me got hit up by this guy. Also, a blog writer for the Discovery Channel came to town and got approached by this guy with the same story. If anyone from St. Jude is reading this, I can put you in touch with Mike who can give you the full details of what this panhandler said and did – just e-mail me at

Mid-South Peace and Justice Center: NOW do you understand what we’re doing? We’re not persecuting the innocent homeless, nor is anyone else Downtown. Rather, I am, and we all are, sick and tired of these scamming scumbags being allowed to do their thing on the streets all day, every day.