Who has PBR Light cans? …The Flying Fish

Tonight I told myself, if I go out, no more than 2 beers, because I’ve got to rest up for Cooper-Young tomorrow.  So what happened?  I had 3 beers at the bar then tabbed out.  Then ran into other people I knew and had 3 more that I ordered from one of the waitresses.  Then I decided it was time for Paul’s Drunkass Food and headed to Big Foot… but was SHOCKED to see that Meghan had a full bar.  Must’ve been tourists.  So I thought, “where else can I get a quick burger?” and realized it wasn’t 10 yet and therefore the Flying Fish was still open.  Although known for their seafood, the Fish has a burger on their menu.  So I decided to give it a try.

So I went to the Fish and ordered it to go.  “It’ll be a 10 minute wait,” I thought.  “Better order a beer to pass the time.”  And I looked in the cooler and not only did they have PBR cans, but Busch cans and PBR Light cans as well!  First time I have seen PBR Light Downtown.  Domestic price is $2.75.

Nevertheless, I ordered PBR regular to drink while I waited.  At home eating the burger now.  See you at Cooper-Young Fest tomorrow.