Automatic Slim’s March music menu

I just took my “What’s the Fire Sale” walk (it’s Labatt Blue) and then walked up Second to Elliott’s to get a cheeseburger and fries.  On the way I passed Automatic Slim’s and they had their March music menu on display, so I snapped a pic (click image below to see it full size):


Looks like they’re going to have live music every Friday night, and DJ Mark Anderson every Saturday.  Walrus on the 6th to kick it off… that should start things off with a bang.

And look at March 13… a new place to see THE DEMPSEYS!!!!  Actually, looking at their play dates, that is going to be a heck of a week for Downtown Dempsey fans.  On Sunday 3/8 they play Huey’s, followed by Blues City on Wednesday 3/11, then the Flying Saucer on Thursday 3/12, and Slim’s on Friday 3/13.  Whew… I’m going to be Dempseyed out by the end of that week.

Meanwhile, I’ll catch them at the Saucer tonight.  Looks like a fun March at Slim’s!