Time to roll out another website. Plus: Tube top dress pic

For the second time today, it’s time to roll out a new website.


Ballet Flat Boutique sells ballet flats in all colors, styles, and brands.  Like Hobo Bag Boutique which I rolled out earlier today, this store is created in association with Amazon.com, so you’re protected by their world-class secure checkout and return policies. I never see your name or credit card number, just a summary of what was ordered and how much commission I earned. This is one of several niche stores in women’s fashion I’ll be rolling out this month, to help organize things better and help women find items quicker than they would on Amazon.

I built most of this site at the Saucer this afternoon.  I got some weird looks as people wondered why I kept surfing a store selling women’s shoes.

Okay… as a thank you for putting up with two website commercials in one day, you get a tube top pic.  Here’s a pic of Stephanie in a tube top dress.


Just registered the domain names for my next two sites.  I don’t feel like sitting in front of a computer right now, though… guess I’ll work on them tomorrow.

Coming soon – the June Downtown Alive! lineup, and pics of the Nuh-Uh Girl eating.