Sun update: Dos Equis Special Lager, shrimp boil at Calhoun’s, tube top

I have advance knowledge that the $2.75 Fire Sale at the Saucer today is Dos Equis Special Lager, so I may very well be there open to close.  Going to hang out with the gang and play pool for a few hours, then after they head out I plan on pulling out the laptop and building more websites.  I have two more on deck that I could potentially finish today.

If the Fire Sale were anything other than Dos Equis Lager, though, I would head south to Calhoun’s in the late afternoon.  They are doing weekly shrimp boils which I hear are tremendously good.  If you’re hungry, that’s my recommendation for dinner.  Not positive about the start time, but I’d guess sometime after 5 PM.  If it’s later there’s Buzztime Trivia to keep you entertained.  I’ll try to get down there next Sunday for some shrimp.

Lots of people were Downtown last night for the Gibson 5K.  The Nuh-Uh Girl and the Nuh-Uh Sister ran the race and attended the after-party, and one of the organizers asked the Nuh-Uh Girl if she got food.  “Of course she got food,” said some guy standing behind them, who she didn’t even know.  “Did Paul get pictures for his blog?”

And finally, here’s a pic of Erin in a tube top.
