New site:

Time to roll out my latest website:


(Yeah I know Umbrellas For Sale with an “s” on the end would have sounded better, but the domain was already taken.)

This is a site that organizes the huge selection of umbrellas on into an easy-to-shop storefront.  Secure checkout and shipping are handled by Amazon, so you’re protected by the policies of the Internet’s premier retailer.  I never see your name or credit card number, just a note that items were ordered and how much commission I made.

Having made that announcement, I’m going to head to the Saucer to have a couple of beers, then I’m going to walk over to Republic Nightclub & Restaurant.  They’re having their job fair this afternoon and invited me to come check the place out.  I hope they don’t think I’m applying for a job though… unless they have a position called “Drunk” that pays $70,000 a year plus bar tab.  Then I might be interested.  Hopefully I’m come back with some more info about the new club.