Sat update: Jolicloud netbook OS, cash & carry grocery, Creole food, mud wrestling, John Bragg, Peabody hiring, and more

I love Saturdays when I hop out of bed early in the morning because there’s a lot I want to get done – emphasis on things I want to do, not crap I have to do.  Yesterday I read on LifeHacker about Jolicloud, an operating system specifically designed for netbooks.  So I downloaded it and installed it last night and am going to play around with it today.  It can be installed without uninstalling Windows – it creates its own partition.  I already have Gmail, Facebook, and Twitter apps installed, similar to the apps on my iPhone.  You can also friend other Jolicloud users through the OS and find out what apps they like.  Jolicloud is based on Linux, and therefore can run Wine, a Windows emulator, so you can still get to your Windows programs.  I’ll report more on Jolicloud after I use it for a couple of weeks.

Thinking about inflating the tires on the bike and taking a ride south, because there are a couple of places I want to investigate.  A couple of friends have told me about a wholesale cash & carry grocery on Carolina, across from the candy factory, that usually sells to businesses but will sell to the public too.  They sell in bulk, from what I’m told, but the prices are supposed to be very good if you need a lot of something.  I heard something about a good price on large packs of PBR tallboys.  Mmmm PBR.

I’ve also been saying for a long time that I want to try Deja Vu, the Creole restaurant on Florida Street about 4 blocks south of Crump.  Every review I’ve read has said both the food and service are marvelous.  So that may be my plan for lunch.

I don’t usually get to watch TNA Wrestling on Thursday nights, but when I hear there’s a good match I’ll look for it on YouTube.  Here’s one for ya:  Lacey Von Erich vs. Velvet Sky in a mud wrestling match. Lacey is a third-generation wrestler, the daughter of the late Kerry Von Erich, and the granddaughter of the late Fritz Von Erich.  You can clearly see she’s inherited the family talent as you watch her roll around in the mud.  I don’t have any family background details on Velvet Sky, but damn, she’s hot.  Don’t forget that the tip jar is there if you want to thank me for posting stuff like this.

John Bragg of Circa was profiled in the Commercial Appeal this week in the Meet the Chef interview.

The Peabody is hiring for several positions: Director of banquets, banquet bartenders and servers, lobby bar server, Capriccio server and server assistant, general maintenance and HVAC.  Details here.

The big deal Downtown tonight is UFC 107… there have been celebrity sightings downtown already this weekend.  It’s been reported on Twitter that Frank Mir had dinner at Kooky Canuck last night.  Gonna see lots of Affliction graphic tees this weekend… speaking of people who wear Affliction shirts, don’t forget that the Douchie of the Year awards are still going on at Hot Chicks with Douchebags.

Just went on my morning Mountain Dew run… a bum tried to do the “tour guide” gimmick on me.  HE SAW ME WALK OUT OF MY APARTMENT BUILDING.  And yet he wanted to tell me where the Peabody was, where Beale Street was.  Hey thanks for telling me about Beale, after 8 years living Downtown I guess it’s time someone let me in on the fact that it’s there.  Bums are stupid.

All right… that’s all I’ve got for now.  I’ll be at the Beerknurd party at the Saucer at 5.  Other than that, no definite plans for today.