Bardog Ziti

At home eating Paul’s Drunkass Food.  Because BARDOG TWEETED THEIR SPECIALS, I knew they had ziti with sausage and cheese and salad.  It’s a great value for $10.99 (I think that was the price).

Although, Bardog wasn’t my first choice for dinner. One of the off-duty girls at the Saucer tonight Facebooked, “I NEED A WAL-MARTING BUDDY IMMEDIATELY. Ya’ll know I hate doing the shit alone. Hit me up, ASAP.”

I responded, “OK, but 1) you have to pick me up at the Saucer; 2) I’m drunk as f**k; and 3) we have to go through a fast food drive thru on the way back. Is there a Popeye’s in West Memphis?”

She didn’t take me up on it, but, Popeye’s. Damn right.