We Love Memphis

This is a pic from last night’s I Love Memphis party at South of Beale, hosted by Kerry who writes the fantastic I Love Memphis Blog.  That’s Kerry with me in the pic.  Fantastic party!  Not only people there who I’d previously met, but there were five or six people who I knew from blogs, Facebook, Twitter, etc. but had never met face to face.  There were drawings for T-shirts, and a cake shaped like a guitar in a FedEx box.

Being down there made me realize, it’s been a while since I’ve been at South of Beale.  I need to go down there and eat sometime soon.

On my way to the Mpact Spring Happy Hour at Primetime, and trivia at the Saucer after that.  If you’re looking for stuff to do, Stepbrothers (Tyler & Cameron) play the Silly Goose on Tuesdays, and it’s Super Tuesday with $5 34 oz. mixed drinks at Kooky Canuck.