BBQ Fest 2010 day 0: Wednesday Friends & Family Night

BBQ Fest kicked off last night with Friends & Family Night.  Here are some pics from the Ques Brothers booth.

Booth facade

Fountain that is part of our hopefully award-winning booth facade.  Moody, who was in charge of security last night, didn’t seem to appreciate me referring to it as “the urinal.”

Terry and Boo getting down at the bar

The dining room

The grill

Erin, setting the standard for BBQ Fest fashion

The Nuh-Uh Girl goes crazy when she sees food

Another pic of the Nuh-Uh Girl eating

BBQ pizza

Mikey getting a beer

Aaron and Brenta

BBQ baloney

Hunter tries to convince Frank to wait until after the booth judging today to make love to the camel.

Our team sign has never looked so good.

Complete photo album (about 130 pics) here. Also, make sure you scroll down and check out the previous post, where our inspirational leader/father figure sings us a song.

Great vibe in the booth last night, especially for the last hour.  Whoever picked the music (I think it may have been Otto) did a great job.  People were dancing and singing along.  Good to see that on the first night – I think good things are in store for the next three days.

Went to the Saucer afterward, which SUCKED – the place was filled with rude corporate turds who stood right in the middle of the aisle and didn’t care that they were in people’s way.  I’m trying to verify that they were with the company I think they’re with.  If they are I’m going to call the company’s office and complain about how rude they were and how poorly they represent the company.  I ended up going to the Silly Goose, where I drank PBR and had a long conversation with Brick.  You know, Brick is actually smarter than people give her credit for.  She misses her regulars… please go by the Goose and see her.

Time to shower and get ready for the first day BBQ Fest is open to the public.  Booth judging is this morning at 11, and I want to be out of the way for that, so I’ll do a quick beer at the Saucer to start, then head down about 11:30.  Ms. Piggie Idol is at 6, booth awards at 8.  If you’re coming down, they let you in at lunchtime for free (can’t remember if it’s 1 or 2 when they start charging).

I’ll be commenting/snarking all day on Twitter.  Follow me at @paulryburn to keep up.