Pics: BBQ Fest Saturday

Saturday was the last day of BBQ Fest.  “Why don’t they have it on Sunday too?” people ask.

“Because one more day of this and we’d probably all die,” is my answer.  Here are some of yesterday’s highlights.

Team member Otto with WordPress guru Matt Mullenweg and his friend Van.  You know what I like about both of our sponsors?  They’re big names in their respective fields – Matt in open-source software, and John Bragg in cooking – but they’re both just regular guys who you can sit down and have a beer with.

One of the judges

Christy took a break from chowing down on BBQ at the Squeal Street booth to stop by and get her photo taken for the blog.

How to break a cart

My friend Nicole was out taking photos of all the BBQ booths.  She had a tube top on.

One of the best photos I took all weekend

Nicole, by the way, is a very talented photographer who often has work on display in Midtown galleries.  You can check out her photography at

The Nuh-Uh Girl was mad at me for the comments I made in the Friday recap post.  “I was not hovering by the food more than any other team member!” she protested.  Okay, I’m going to have to call bullshit on that one.  MANY team members saw her doing it and made comments about it.  Fellow Ques Brothers, can you back me up?

After the awards ceremony, the Green Man stopped by our booth.

Nicole with the Green Man

Facebook is being uncooperative right now, so I can’t upload the entire photo album and link to the pics.  I’ll try again tonight.  I’m seriously thinking about doing an anti-Facebook rant, because they’ve been irritating me in many ways lately.

Team members:  I have all the photos in 3264×2448 resolution, which is much higher resolution than what I have posted here and on Facebook.  If there are particular photos you want in high-res, bring me a USB memory stick and I’ll copy them for you.  Photos are about 3 MB each.