Air Traffic Mike offers an alternate idea for the former Primetime space

I was pleased to see that a few people jumped on Facebook today, and per my suggestion, wrote on the wall of Buffalo Wild Wings that they’d be welcomed in the old Jillian’s/Primetime location in Downtown Memphis.

My friend and fellow blogger Air Traffic Mike, however, came up with an alternative idea, one that would locate Buffalo Wild Wings in the Downtown core, as well as giving Downtowners something that has long been desired – a grocery store. Furthermore, his plan would combine many under-utilized Memphis museums into one big museum, which would be a real attraction/showplace for the area.  The museum would be something truly family-friendly, not drop-your-kids-off-and-be-rid-of-them-for-a-while-friendly as Jillian’s was.

The only casualty of his plan would be Downtown Hooters, which I think would hardly be more missed than Primetime.

Check out what he has to say here.