Wed update: Green festival, chili, early voting begins today

Mayor Wharton has invited the citizens of Memphis to a new festival, the GreenUp Memphis festival, which will be held at “The Green at South Front Street,” adjacent to the Memphis Farmers Market behind Central station, Saturday October 30 from 11 AM to 3 PM. The festival will celebrate things you can do to make Memphis more eco-friendly and a more attractive place to live. There will be festival food, exhibits, prizes, and live music. If you want to make a difference in your community, come on down. The Farmers Market will be going on next door, so why not hit both events?

It’s Wednesday. The Majestic Grille has announced that their famous chili is back today, and will be back every Wednesday this fall/winter season.

Early voting for the fall election begins today. You can early vote from now until October 28.

Congrats to the trivia team on taking first place last night in my absence… I was up until 11 working on upgrading my Amazon sites. Wasn’t too bad though – I did site upgrades on my netbook while watching season 2 of Jersey Shore on my MacBook. One more evening and I hope the site upgrades will be finished. In fact, I hope to get out to the Saucer for a beer or three tonight, although it will more likely be 8-9ish than for happy hour.