Fri update #2: Keep your property safe, Downtown dog show, Peabody pickup lines make USA Today

Told ya I’d be back with more news.

MPD’s Downtown Precinct is reminding homeowners to close their garage doors at night and when not home. Officers have noticed a lot of open garage doors lately, exposing lawnmowers, bikes, golf clubs and other valuables. Close the door and keep your property safe!

There’s going to be a dog show Downtown, and I’m not referring to the staff at Hooters. On Sunday, November 7, the Harbor Town Dog Show will take place at Nursery Park on Mud Island. All dogs living on Mud Island are invited to compete. There will be three weight classes and a puppy class. Prizes will be awarded for Sexiest Walk, Rescued Dog, Best Costume, Obstacle Course, Look A-Like & Silly Pet Tricks, and there will be a Best in Show award. Hot dogs (of course) will be on sale. Kym Clark from Channel 5 will be Master of Ceremonies, and all proceeds will benefit the Humane Society. Rain date will be November 14.

The Peabody’s recent pickup line contest on Twitter made the USA Today. The hotel asked its followers for the best pickup lines to use at their Thursday night rooftop party series. Read the article here, and follow the Peabody at @peabodymemphis.

I’m still not caught up on news yet but I’m cutting this one off now… I got some very exciting news at work today and I’ve got to go tell people about it. I’ll blog it tomorrow or Sunday. Check back – more to come including details on how to win the hearse parked outside Bardog Tavern.