Recap of last night: Happy beginning, sad ending

I didn’t get out until 11 last night. I’d been reading a very helpful poker workbook, and I wanted to see if it had improved my skills. So I entered a $4.40 buy-in tournament on PokerStars last night. Thanks to things I learned from the book, I made it into the money, finishing 72nd in a field of 1000. I’ve written more about the tournament in my poker blog, but I’ll just say that the $10.80 payday I received was nothing compared to the confidence I gained. I feel like I’m a serious threat in any no-limit hold’em tournament from this point forward. After four hours of play, I was quite happy and ready to celebrate with a beer.

So I grabbed my jacket and walked toward my usual destination, the Saucer. It was packed, because there was a Pi Kappa Alpha convention in town. Nothing against Pikes, but the convention added an extra hundred guys to the Saucer’s crowd. Not my cup of tea. Also, all my friends had gone out earlier in the evening, and they’d already gone home. I decided the Saucer wasn’t worth it.

Silly Goose was more packed than I cared to deal with, as was Bardog. “Where can I get a beer at 11 PM that isn’t super crowded around here?” I thought. Then the answer hit me: Paula & Raiford’s Disco. I hadn’t been to see Paula in a while, and 11 was far enough before “prime time” that I’d have breathing room. So in I went. This was probably the first time since I moved Downtown that I showed up at Raiford’s sober. Keisha helped me take care of that problem, with two quart bottles of Bud Light.

At 1 I figured the Saucer had cleared out enough to be tolerable. I walked down there, hung out at the bar and talked to Jim until the place closed. Then I went to Bardog and closed it down too.

Weird night. I hung out mostly by myself. It’s hard to find people to meet up with when you go out at 11 and don’t make prior plans. Yet, I was rather happy. I was basking in the feeling that I’m going to make some serious money in tournament poker in 2011. If Congress gets stupid and shuts down PokerStars and Full Tilt, screw them, I’ll go to Tunica. (Sometime I need to do a rant about how hypocritical the Republicans are for thwarting online poker.)

I came home a little after 3, got on the computer, and got some very sad news. My friends Air Traffic Mike and Chris had to make the most difficult decision pet owners ever have to face, concerning their dog Rhondo.

Over the past year, many Memphians have read about the adventures of Rhondo on Air Traffic Mike’s blog. Rhondo was not the brightest dog in the world, but he more than made up for it in personality. Unfortunately Rhondo did not have much of a chance. He was born sick, was sick at times throughout his life, and this week his kidneys began to fail. Air Traffic Mike explained Rhondo’s health issues in this post. Hours later, he followed that with a Goodnight Rhondo post. Rest in peace, Rhondo. A lot of people who never met you and who lived 1500 miles away were big fans of yours. Mike and Chris, my thoughts are with you.

May post again later. I think I have some food pics to download from the camera.