Tue update: Dream Berry, TNA autograph session at AutoZone Park, Grizzlies Game 6 tickets, beauties atop the Madison

Dream Berry, the new frozen yogurt shop on the Main Street Mall, has announced an event discount. Bring in your ticket for any Downtown event and get 15% off. Pretty sweet deal that will get customers in the door. I need to give Dream Berry a try today or tomorrow while I’m on vacation.

Some of the wrestlers from TNA will be at AutoZone Park Thursday night for an autograph session. They’ll be promoting their BaseBrawl event coming up in June. Eric Young will throw out the first pitch. I wonder if Velvet Sky, one of TNA’s female wrestlers and possibly the hottest woman ever, will be there. Oh well, doesn’t matter, I’ll be at BBQ Fest.

Game 6 tickets for Grizzlies vs. Thunder go on sale at noon. Get them before the scalpers do! You better log on to Ticketmaster no later than 12:02 if you want to go. Well, you know, if there’s a game Friday, I guess that means some people will have to work and miss BBQ Fest.

The Miss USA contestants from Tennessee, Arkansas and Mississippi will be at the Madison Hotel’s “Sunset Atop the Madison” rooftop party Thursday night. Deering & Down will perform. $7 cover, doors open at 5:30, music starts at 6.

The BBQ team captain just texted me. They need help moving tables and chairs at the Center for Southern Folklore at 11, and they knew they could count on their hardest-working team member. Someone needs to get a photo of this. May blog more this afternoon, plans TBD, but I’m sure I’ll end up at the Saucer at some point. May check out those $5 PBR pitchers at the Fish too.