Mellow Mondays $4 sausage and cheese plate @ Blind Bear. Plus: Monday evening news

Tonight at the Silly Goose I got knocked out of poker at 8:56 PM. I ran to the bar. “Nikki, can you tab me out quick, please?” I asked. She did. Nikki is awesome. I sprinted down Main, past two police cars, the occupants of which may have wondered if I just held someplace up, to the Blind Bear. “Sausage and cheese plate!” I barked at Morgan, who was holding down the bar while Jamie stepped away for a minute. Morgan is awesome too and knew what was up. She put my order right in. You see, every Monday the Bear has $4 sausage and cheese plates (and half price wine) from 6 to 9. I made it by two minutes.

I had this plate and one Mason jar of PBR, and my tab was a whopping $6.87, tax included. Yeah it will never be confused with escargot at Felicia’s or Chez Philippe, but you know what? There’s nothing wrong with a good, working-class meal at a very reasonable price. Seasoned smoked sausage, cubes of Swiss and Jack, pickles, crackers, mustard. The kind of evening snack that makes me hope I get knocked out at poker early more often.

I’m sober enough to post the news, so let’s get a few things done while I’m at the computer.

A Downtown soul food restaurant was destroyed by fire. Willie Moore’s Family Restaurant at Third and Crump was consumed by flames this weekend. Best wishes and thoughts to the owners and family; I didn’t get a chance to eat there but they were clearly loved by people in the area.

EmergeMemphis will hold a meet & greet February 23 from 4:30 to 6:30 PM to say goodbye to outgoing director Gwin Scott, and to welcome interim executive director Eric Mathews. If you dream of starting your own business you need to come and meet Eric. He’s very approachable, so don’t be shy. Although, you can hit him up on Twitter at @ECMathews if you prefer to make contact electronically.

Speaking of Twitter, there’s word on there tonight that Jack White will perform at the New Daisy on March 13. It will be one of his first solo shows since leaving the White Stripes.

And that’s the news. Actually home at a reasonable hour tonight, having declined to play the 10:00 game at the Goose. Will get a full night’s sleep. Probably back tomorrow at lunchtime with another post.