Tue update: Race Judicata, comet viewing, brewers support grocery wine sales, Evernote article, and more

The U of M Law School’s Race Judicata will happen Saturday, April 6, starting at Mississippi River Park (formerly Jefferson Davis Park) on Riverside Drive. Following the race, there will be food and live music. All proceeds raised from the race benefit Memphis Area Legal Services, which provides legal help to the low-income and the elderly.

A comet will be visible in the early evening sky for the next two weeks. Information about the comet and how to view it can be found here.

The Tennessee Malt Brewers Association has reversed its previous position and is now supporting legislation to permit the sale of wine in grocery stores. The kicker is that they want to add a rider to the bill that would also permit the sale of high-gravity beers in groceries. Currently, the law states that any beer above 6.0% alcohol by volume is technically liquor and can only be sold in liquor stores.

Good Lifehacker article today: I’ve Been Using Evernote All Wrong, it’s Actually Amazing. I couldn’t agree more. I’ve been using it to organize this blog for the past year, and it’s helped a lot. I’m even thinking about upgrading to the premium service for $45 a year. The premium service lets you put a PIN on your mobile Evernote apps, allowing you to store important information in the cloud without worrying about its security.

BBQ team news: My team the Moody Ques received our letter from Memphis in May that we have been accepted for BBQ Fest. We have also received a generous contribution from our sponsor WordPress, who is now fully back on board.

312 on 3/12: If you haven’t tried the Goose Island 312 beer that just landed at the Flying Saucer, today would be a good day. It’s on Fire Sale with draft pints $3 today open to close. I’ll be there after work about 5:30 sampling some of those pints, and maybe some Dos Equis Lager pints as well.